Part 4

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The following days went by without much happening. You saw the new guy a few times and made eye contact again but he did not approach you. In fact, it seemed like he spent most of his time with Steve's friends – Tommy and the rest of their group. Steve didn't seem to enjoy it too much.

The teachers started talking about upcoming tests and tasks you need to do so that kept you busy. Friday rolled around and by the time lunch break started Tina had already informed everyone about the party she was hosting tonight.

„Hey girl, so you're obviously going with me and Jonathan tonight, right?" excitedly asked Nancy as she came to eat lunch next to you.

„Yeah, I mean it's not like there's much else to do here" you replied. You didn't think Tina would have a party on the first week but you were glad she decided to do it. You wanted to get out of your house, get slightly buzzed and have a reason to put some makeup on for once.

„Well it starts at 9 but I'll come get you at 7:30 so we can get ready at my place and then Jonathan will come and drive us there!"

„Sure, sounds perfect. Do you know what you'll wear or should I start thinking now so I can help you more once we get to yours?" you said almost seriously because Nancy always took so long to get ready.

„I have a few ideas in mind but I guess no matter what Jonathan will like what I'm wearing. Plus, Tina's only hosting this party to get into Billy's pants so it doesn't matter what I wear. You on the other hand should put some thought into it. The guys know all the girls are swooning over Billy so they'll probably try to be impressive too" replied Nancy.

You couldn't believe you didn't put two and two together. Of course, that's what the party is for. Honestly, you wouldn't mind getting with Billy too but you wanted to see if he's as big of a fuck boy as he seems.

„Well I'll put my nicest outfit on then" you laughed as you finished your lunch. „I'll see you later Nance, I gotta run grab the books for my next class."

You went to your locker, got what you needed and saw that there's still 5 minutes before class started so you went to the side of the school building to smoke. However, when you approached your usual spot you saw someone there. „God, I can't even have a quiet smoke in here. Did we get 100 more new students in here over summer or what" you thought to yourself as you approached the person. You didn't recognize them at first but when you did - you wished you skipped the smoke this time.

Bad boy // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now