Part 6

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Finally the classes ended and you rushed to your car to drive back home. Although you kinda hoped for it, you didn't see Billy anywhere.

„Guess I'll just have to wait until tonight" you sighed and went into your car. Once the radio was on and the windows were down, the drive home started. The way was nice and calm but not long enough to be properly enjoyed. After all, in a small town like this everything seemed to be so close.

Once you got into your empty house and made your way up the stairs into the room that was like your sanctuary, the anxiety really kicked in. What to wear? How to do your makeup? And what about the hair? All these questions kept popping up and soon enough Nancy was calling to say she'll be there to pick you up in 15 minutes.

You quickly decided on a simple outfit – tight black dress that ended well above your knees, simple black heels and your favorite leather jacket that you wore no matter the occasion. It was simple look, yet showed off your figure and most importantly – didn't look cheap.

Once you heard beeping outside you knew Nancy was here and it was time to go. You grabbed a few makeup items and ran out the door without even leaving a note because your parents weren't home yet but you knew they probably wouldn't notice your absence.

„Okay, I mean I did tell you to try tonight but I didn't expect you to go all out! Look at you girl, you look hot!" said Nancy with genuine enthusiasm

"Oh come on, it's a simple look or do you really think I over did it?" you replied

"Absolutely not! It's simple but alluring, I'm sure you can get lucky if you want to tonight" the girl said with a wink.

You laughed it off and took off to her place. Once there the real stress started because you had to help Nancy pick her outfit and it's always a challenge. After many different looks and discussions she settled for a short tight skirt and a button up shirt tucked in. It was a somewhat preppy but also sexy look.

After that it was time for makeup. While Nance overdid her blush in your opinion, you stuck to simple mascara, lip gloss, some bronzer and blush as not to cake your face too much. Sure, your skin isn't perfect but you'd rather look a little less perfect than have that feeling of a million products on your face.

With your outfits on and makeup done you two fixed your hair and Jonathan came.

"Well you two look stunning, I'll look like your valet, Nancy!" exclaimed Jonathan.

"You're too sweet but don't be so harsh on yourself, you look lovely as well" you said with a smile while Nancy was too busy to reply because she was admiring herself in the mirror.

"Alright then girls, lets go to Tina's, shall we?" he asked. Nancy grabbed her bag while you checked that your keys and cigarettes were in your jacket and got out the door.

The three of you got into the car and soon enough were near Tina's house. Jonathan had to look for a parking spot for a few minutes because it was so full already. Once he managed to leave his car in a fairly good spot you made your way to the house where music was blasting so loud you could hear it outside.

On the way in you saw the familiar blue camaro parked a bit further away.

"He must be here already" you thought when entering the house.

Bad boy // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now