Part 3

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As the curly haired boy walked off to school you figured it was time to get moving too. Nancy and Jonathan rushed off because they wanted to do something before class and Steve stayed with you. You two walked into the building and were greeted by many familiar faces and noises. You two had the first class – English together, so you found the classroom and got yourselves a nice spot in the back. Steve always thought that he doesn't need to study because his basketball skills will get him a scholarship. You, on the other hand, simply were good at school and always managed to get grades that were well above average without putting too much work in.

As you took out the necessary things out of your bag the classroom filled up with students and eventually the teacher came too. The class started with your English teacher telling you all about her summer and asking random students how theirs went. You thought to yourself that she was somewhat nice for letting you all get used to the new rhythm with some easy stuff like this.

The class progressed but you and Steve didn't pay much attention to it. Surprisingly enough, both of you were preoccupied with the thoughts of the same person.

„You know what, I thought about it and I mean he can't just waltz into My school like that, can he?" whispered Steve.

„What do you mean?" you asked without being sure what's worse – him thinking that it's his school or the fact that he was already so stirred up because of the new guy.

„Well he obviously thinks he's the shit. The loud music, the way he just scanned everyone and didn't say hi. He just seems arrogant and so full of himself."

„Oh wow I mean it surely sounds like you two have a lot in common, maybe you'll finally move on from Tommy H and his idiotic girlfriend and make a new friend who apparently is exactly like you" you said with a giggle that was interrupted by the classroom door opening.

Before you turned your head to see who it was, you heard a husky voice say „Hi, is this English class?"

„Oh hello there, you must be Billy Hargrove, right?" your teacher replied with a smile. „Yes, this is English class, please take a seat and join the other students, we're just discussing the summer and how it went for everyone."

The new boy looked around, his eyes meeting yours for just a second and sat down in the only empty spot next to some nerd. You didn't want to admit it even to yourself that after seeing him for brief moments in the parking lot you were so happy that you had a class together.

„Shit, now he's here too? What if he plays basketball as well? I need a plan. I need to remind everyone that I run things here." anxiously said Steve while you just giggled and tried to focus on what the teacher was saying for the rest of the class.

You couldn't care less about Steve, actually you were kinda happy he felt threatened. His egoism and self praise bothered you. Sure, you like bad boys but Steve is just not one of them no matter how hard he tries to be.

Suddenly the bell rang pulling you out of your thoughts and you saw Billy leave the class quickly. Once you went out to the hallway he was nowhere to be seen. Steve basically ran out of the classroom too and you were left to finish the day by yourself as all of your friends were busy doing who knows what.

Once school ended and you drove back home you thought to yourself that it was an unspectacular day but deep inside you knew you were downplaying it. The new guy, Billy, he caught your eye. Everything from those full lips to perfectly crafted body that he had underneath his clothes made you feel like it'll be a fun year. There was no denying it, appearance wise – he was exactly your type. You daydreamed for a bit until you got home and then decided to call Nancy.

„Hey Nance, how was your first day? I didn't see you at all after you left from the parking lot in the morning!"

„Hey Mia, yeah, sorry about that, it's just that Jonathan wanted to go check the dark room for his photography and we ended up brainstorming ideas for a photo series he'd like to do this year. In between every class we went there and talked about it and it was just so special!"

„You two are so perfect together!" you said genuinely. Jonathan was a wonderful guy and Nancy became a better person when she got together with him. „You two bring out the best in each other!"

„Oh Mia you're such a sweetheart! Did you see the new guy though? I couldn't help but giggle at Steve's reaction when he saw him get out of that blue car" Nancy laughed.

„My reaction was the same! And yeah, I saw him, Billy, he seems intriguing actually. We have English together so maybe I'll get to know him more."

„Yeah well don't hope for too much there, basically half of the school was drooling for him today. I even overheard Carol saying that she'd drop Tommy in a second for this new guy."

„I guess we'll have to wait and see how this develops" you replied. „Alright well I have to go help my mom with cooking lunch now but I'll see you tomorrow in school!"

„Okay Mia, see you!" said Nancy and hung up.

You knew that basically all of the girls wanted a piece of him but it didn't bother you much. You had a feeling it'd play out fine in the end. Plus, you weren't looking for a boyfriend because before even coming here you knew there's no hope to find anyone nice in a place like this.

You finished your day and didn't think much about what happened. However, for the first time in a while you felt a little bit of excitement about what still might come.

Bad boy // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now