Part 19

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A/n: hey everyone, first of all I want to thank you for all the support, I never thought you'd like this and I appreciate it so much! Sorry for a short chapter and that I haven't updated in a while - I am currently finishing up my thesis so I am incredibly busy. However, we are approaching the finale of this story, so get ready for some drama in the upcoming chapters and enjoy this one! I PROMISE I will update soon!

You ran back inside and saw that Steve was already gone, in the nurse's office presumably. You went into the changing room, got Billy's stuff and took yours on the way out too. He was waiting in the exact same spot as he was when you left, eyes staring blankly into nowhere. He seemed to shake out of it just a little when he saw you come back.

"See, didn't take too long, did I?" you said, trying to make him smile at least a bit.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make such a mess out of everything." He sighed, looking down at his hands, still red and bloody, although you did your best to clean them up.

You didn't want to pry or touch a sensitive spot, but you had to ask. "Why did you do it?"

Billy looked at you, then looked around to see that the parking lot was still empty. "I couldn't take it anymore... Him talking about you, about how it felt to kiss you at the party and about how you make him feel. I just want, no, need him to know you're mine. He has no right to touch you and I was about to make sure he never would again until you pulled me back." He said and took a deep breath.

You felt terrible for doubting his feelings on Friday when you thought he'd cheat once you had left the party. On top of that, you knew this would get Billy into serious trouble both in school and at home and you couldn't bear to see that happened so you figured it was time to put on the last show.

"What if I said you never had to worry about that again?"

"What do you mean?" Billy replied

"Lock the car, lets go back into school and find Steve."

"If I go back in there they'll call the cops, I can't let that happen." Billy said nervously. You hugged him and planted a deep kiss on his chest.

"It'll be fine, I have it all figured out."

He put everything away into the car and locked it, giving you back the key. You two started walking towards the school and to his surprise you took his hand and gave him a smile, as to say "don't worry".

Once you were inside you walked to where the nurse's office is and unsurprisingly saw a big crowd around there. People were talking about the incident but you overheard someone say that Steve is bruised up bad but there's no permanent damage.

Then, the door opened and Steve himself stepped out, looking around for you with what looked like fear and desperation in his eyes. He looked small and vulnerable and his eyes lit up when he saw you. But then, he noticed Billy too.

Bad boy // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now