Part 16

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A/N:  Sorry for such a delay, I was very busy but I'll try to update regularly from now on! I really appreciate your likes and comments <3 Also, I am working on a new story with Dacre which I hope I'll start publishing soon too.

Some moments later when you two were sitting on his bed, Billy asked yet again about what your plan with Steve was.

"You know I can't tell you. But you'll see so soon, Tina's party is this weekend and it'll be a shit show, I promise." You laughed.

"The way your moods can switch never fails to amaze me, M." Billy said with a smile. "Should I drive you back soon? I mean I'd like you to stay but I know there's homework to be done and I think it'll be more believable if you come back now and tell your old man you were studying than if you do it in some hours."

"Yeah, you're right. I mean I'm calmer now so I'm not so afraid although I am sure it'll not be pleasant."

You gathered your things and went to his car. The ride was silent but not unpleasant. He stopped in front of your house, planted a kiss on your lips while cupping your face and wished you good luck.

As you entered your house you heard noises in the kitchen so you walked past it quickly and rushed to your room, successfully avoiding any questions. The evening was spent doing homework and later – planning out the final details on how you'll mess with Steve. You figured that tomorrow at school you'd let everyone know you two were "together".

As the next day came you managed to avoid your dad in the morning and seemed to get to school in a haze. Soon enough after entering the building you saw Steve and when he noticed you, his eyes lit up.

"Morning, beautiful, how are you?" He asked.

"Better now that I saw you." You flirted. Deciding that it was now or never – you planted a kiss on his lips, making sure a lot of people saw. However, what you didn't know – Billy saw it too. Although he knew this was all a game, he couldn't help but get angry.

"So I take it you feel the same way about me as I do about you?" Steve asked once you pulled back, getting a smile for a response from you.

The rest of the day went by uneventfully. People were talking about the new couple and getting more and more excited for the party that was about to come. Billy was nowhere to be seen, even when you went to smoke he wasn't in the usual spot. You figured it'd be for the best to keep some distance until the party so it didn't bother you too much.

The few days until the weekend were slow also, you made sure to get plenty of pda with Steve and get him completely wrapped around your finger. The boy was doing everything and more to please you and couldn't wipe that stupid smile off his face.

Soon enough Saturday came around. You managed to avoid any big talks with your father during those days and kept it short and polite. As you were getting ready and doing your makeup you came with with a lie that you'd tell him. Once you were done, you put on simple black heels to match with your all black outfit and went downstairs. Seeing your father you informed him that you're going to a friends house to work on a school project and he nodded without even looking at you.

It didn't take long until Steve showed up to pick you up like he has promised. He even had flowers for you which seemed a bit over the top but ever since you two made it official he has been acting this way and it wasn't exactly a surprise.

He was wearing a red sweater with a simple t-shirt, jeans and a jacket and had his hair done up even more than usual. He looked like a proper idiot you thought, but instead of saying anything you smiled and got into the car.

"So, ready for our first party together?" He said, licking his lips. The sight made you angry. You couldn't believe that someone like him, someone so full of himself and so stupid, so below average would think that he deserves to be with you. All of his attempts to seduce you would make your stomach turn into a knot. The boy had no sex appeal and you couldn't wait to slowly but surely destroy him.

"More than ready. Lets go!" You said with fake enthusiasm. Okay, maybe it wasn't all fake – you were excited to go to the party because you knew that not only phase 1 of your plan begin but also that Billy would be there, probably in a shirt that's barely buttoned up and that's always a nice sight for sore eyes.

Bad boy // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now