Part 10

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Billy left the room first and got back into the party while you took a few minutes to get yourself together and went out then. You spotted him in the crowd with a drink already in his hand and looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to you – thankfully nobody seemed to notice that you left the room Billy exited mere moments ago.

You were so excited from the events of the night, you decided to start playing the little game right there and then. First, you found Steve. As usual, he was surrounded by some brainless dudes that wanted his approval and girls that wanted his hands around their waist.

You got closer to hear what he was talking about. Basketball. You couldn't care less but you decided it's best to show interest in his hobbies not now when he's talking about it but when he's simply doing those things. Still, you decided to stay close to him and once in a while give him a smile or maybe even a slightly seductive look. Your confidence was blasting full on after your time with Billy and you were going to use it.

Steve seemed to notice your advances and came to chat you up soon enough.

„Want a drink Mia?" He said with a smile that he usually saved for girls he wanted to fuck.

„Absolutely, will you get me one?" you replied and touched his arm. He seemed to get the message and moments later came back with two drinks, one for each of you. He offered to go outside for some fresh air and you agreed.

Once you were outside, you brought up basketball and how you'd love to learn to play it too. You made sure to keep steady eye contact and even touched his bare arm a few more times.

„Would you like to come to my practice after school on Monday? We're preparing for a game but after that I could show you some basics and we could play a bit?" Steve said with a smile.

„I'd love that, I'll be there to watch you play too, I am sure I'll learn a lot just by watching someone as good as you are." Before you could even wipe that fake smile off your face – Steve leaned in and placed a small kiss on your lips. It was nothing compared to Billy, but you played along. He pulled away a few seconds later and looked slightly scared.

„I'm sorry Mia, is that inappropriate of me? I know I look like a tough guy but I don't want to make you do something you're not sure of." he said.

„I'm fine Steve, it was completely fine." You said with a smile and reached out to hold his hand. You two stood there and talked for some more time until you heard someone scream that the cops came and you scattered in different directions.

Thankfully, once you made it back home your parents were asleep already and it seemed like they didn't notice your absence. You took a quick shower, got changed into your pajamas and went to your bed. Although you were drunk – you had a hard time falling asleep thanks to the events of the night. You couldn't help but fantasize about Billy's hands on your body – your waist, thighs, throat. You wanted to feel his breathing on your skin again, you wanted to see the lustful gaze in his eyes before he gives you another hungry kiss.

With those thoughts you drifted off and fell asleep without even noticing it. The weekend seemed to pass quicker than ever and soon enough it was Monday again. The game was on you thought, right as you woke up in the morning at the beginning of a new week.

Bad boy // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now