Part 11

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You had your usual breakfast and made your way to school. The classes passed in a blink of an eye and it was time to go to the gym to watch the boys play.

The boys were divided into two teams – skins and shirts, Steve was on the team wearing shirts and Billy, obviously was shirtless. You tried to ignore him but his sweaty muscular body kept distracting you and reminding you of the time you shared at the party just some days ago. You never cared much about basketball but watching the two boys bicker and push each other around was a fairly good entertainment.

After they finished their game and everyone but Steve left it was time for your lesson. You went down from your seat to him and started bouncing the ball, trying to get a feel for it.

„Here, stand like this" Steve said and helped you get into what apparently was the right position. He touched your lower back and arms and you made sure to keep some physical contact with him once in a while throughout the lesson that he gave.

You two played for about an hour until you were exhausted and figured it was time to go home. You didn't have any spare clothes but decided to shower before leaving anyways.

„I'll go freshen up and then drive back home, thanks for the lesson Steve, you're a great coach. Plus I can't believe how strong you are – i'm already exhausted and you look like you could go on!" You said with fake enthusiasm. The boy was boring and so was the game but you were determined to get him to fall for you.

„Oh you haven't seen half of it yet Mia, have a nice shower and drive safe!" Steve said as he went of to the boys locker room to shower as well. You came closer to him and gave him a peck on his cheek as a thanks for the effort he put into teaching you.

The hot water running over you helped you relax and was good for your muscles too as you were sure they'd hurt tomorrow for sure. You weren't weak but you also didn't do much sports so this came as no surprise. Once you were finished you dried off and put on the clothes you were wearing before, feeling a bit nasty but you knew soon enough you'd be home and be able to change.

With the thought of fresh soft clothes that you'll get to put on soon you went into the parking lot and started approaching your car when suddenly you were pushed around and someone kissed you. The kiss was hot and slow and not like anything you've experienced before. You gave in and pulled away only a few moments later to see that it was Steve who kissed you out of nowhere. You could've guessed it because you two were basically the last people left in school at that time but the kiss didn't feel like something he'd do. Sure, he was cocky and thought he's the king of Hawkins but you didn't think he could kiss with so much passion and desire.

As you two pulled away from each other Steve looked at you for a few moments before speaking. „I hope you don't mind but I couldn't help myself. I know we're friends and all but the time we spent together today had an effect on me I guess."

„I certainly don't mind, in fact, I was thinking about this for a while now." You replied with a smile and kissed him again. This is easier than I thought it'd be you thought to yourself.

After the second kiss the boy was left speechless so he simply smiled, waved goodbye and went into his car and you did the same. The drive home was calm and you simply thought about what steps you should take further as this was going faster than you initially thought it would. On top of that you couldn't wait to see Billy and tell him about the progress and maybe have some fun with him too. But that had to wait because when you went home your parents were not in a good mood and as much as you tried to avoid it you couldn't help overhearing their fight which was bigger than any you've heard before.

Bad boy // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now