Part 2

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It felt like you just laid down but the alarm was ringing and it was time to wake up for your first day of school. You got up, had some cereal for breakfast while your dad was having a coffee before work. After that you got up back to your room and went to your en suite bathroom to take a shower. The hot water running over your body relaxed you and gave you time to think about what you still need to put in your backpack before you leave for school. Once you were done you dried yourself and went to get dressed.

You knew that most girls will try to dress up for the first day in order to impress the boys as if they all didn't just spend their whole summer in this town and had constant run-ins with each other. You didn't look down on their attempts, you simply couldn't understand who they tried to impress. Tommy and his group of idiots? Some quiet boys that didn't do any sports and looked like they still ask their moms to make their breakfast? Or maybe King Steve that you only saw as a friend and in fact didn't even like that much because his ego was almost bigger than his hair.

You pushed the thoughts aside for now and quickly put on some black skinny jeans, a simple blue button up shirt, your worn down sneakers and a leather jacket because it was somewhat chilly this morning. You quickly threw a few things in your backpack before leaving and getting in your car. As you got in you put on some music, lit up a cigarette and started driving. You enjoyed going to school and back alone. It gave you an opportunity to play the music you like, collect yourself and sometimes simply daydream before getting to the noisy corridors of Hawkins high.

When you arrived the parking lot was already filling up with people all eagerly greeting each other and laughing. Before you even had the chance to get out of your car Steve came up to you.

"Morning Mia, ready for today?" he asked while taking his sunglasses off

"Hey Steve, what do you think?" you replied as you stepped out of your car and sat down on the hood of it. You lit up another cigarette since you still had enough time before the first class.

"Well you sure do look like you're ready to grab this year by the balls. I mean jeans and a leather jacket? I like how you aren't trying to impress anyone" he said while checking you out. He meant it as a compliment and you knew it so you didn't take any offense. However, you knew that since the time you moved here Steve wanted to hook up with you. Sometimes that even made you wonder if he genuinely wanted to be friends or just tried to sleep with the girl who had a reputation of being someone that's hard to get.

Before you got a chance to say anything else, Nancy and Jonathan came by and greeted you as well.

"Good morning guys, how are you today?" they asked almost in unison

"Great and honestly quite excited for another year of running this school" chuckled Steve. You continued smoking and simply smiled and shrugged your shoulders instead of saying something.

Steve got up and was about to leave but suddenly everyone got distracted by loud music coming from a car that drove into the parking lot. You recognized the rock song as you had it on one of the many CDs in your car. You all turned around to see who made this loud entry and saw a blue Camaro pull up a few cars away from yours. You didn't care about cars much but your eyes still widened at the sight of it – the car was truly nice and obviously well taken care of. You couldn't help but wonder, who's the person driving it? It couldn't be someone local you thought, you'd have known about a sudden glow-up one of your fellow schoolmates had over summer and surely you'd have seen the car somewhere in town. That means it's someone new then. Maybe it's a cool girl that you could be friends with and listen to music with while bonding over being new here too.

Your thoughts were interrupted when a tanned guy wearing all denim stepped out of the car. Without even looking around he lit up a cigarette and took a drag knowing that everyone was watching him. You were so intrigued you didn't even notice a small red haired girl leaving his car and skating away. You could hear people murmur all around but you didn't say anything. Nancy and Jonathan said something about how he must be new and Steve looked slightly worried, probably because he sensed he might have to defend his name as the King of Hawkins high sometime soon.

The curly haired guy looked around once making quite a few girls swoon and made his way to the school building. Maybe this year won't be as boring as the last one?

Bad boy // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now