Part 8

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A/N hey everyone, this part is quite longer than the previous ones and includes smut so be warned! Also, any kind of comments would be appreciated!

Once you left the bathroom you saw Billy walk outside and decided to enjoy yourself and let him come to you whenever that might be. He was undeniably the most attractive guy here and you knew that most of the girls wanted a piece of him. Still, you didn't expect to get so many nasty looks because of what happened in the bathroom. Sure, nobody saw or heard anything but seeing you two leave was enough to make almost every girl in the party talk about it. Nancy was no exception.

„Did I hear it wrong or were you really seen leaving the bathroom together with Hargrove?" she asked.

„Yeah, I can't believe how fast the word got around." You sighed.

„So, what did you two do there? Did it go the same way as it did for Tina?"

„What? What did Tina do with him?" You didn't know you were the second girl he tried to get with tonight. That made you feel disgusting. You always said to yourself that you'd never fight over a guy or share him with anyone. Maybe Billy wasn't as deep as you thought and in fact was the asshole he appeared to be on the first glance.

„Well she said he took her to her parents bedroom and they made out for a while and he basically implied that he wants to keep it going with her." Nancy told you.

„Oh, well no we just had a chat and nothing else happened" you lied. You were hurt but you weren't going to let this ruin your night.

„Good, don't mess with him, he seems a bit like a psycho to be honest, the way he keeps fighting Steve and teasing him is almost pathological."

„Yeah, I've noticed" you smiled as you thought about what he mentioned in the bathroom. You couldn't denied that you were happy that someone else apart from just you disliked the big king of Hawkins.

With that, Nancy took off to find Jonathan again and you were left to your own devices. You went for another drink as you don't recall where your previous one went. In the kitchen you could hear Steve talking to some guy. He looked tense as he tends to do lately but you didn't hear what they were talking about because of the music.

You got yourself a red cup, filled it with booze and downed it before pouring it full again immediately.

„Someone's thirsty I see" a raspy voice behind you said.

You turned around to see Billy, still no shirt on, just his leather jacked, with that devilish smile on his face.

„Yeah well that's what a party is for, isn't it?" you said coldly. Sure, you liked him and wanted to get under him and on top of him immediately but you weren't going to do it before talking about the Tina situation.

„That, and other things babe. Shall we take this somewhere more private?" He purred as he took your hand and led you to the stairs, going up to one of the bedrooms. As you entered you figured it must be Tina's room. He locked the door behind you and took of his jacked, dropping it on the ground. His body looked like it was crafted by an artist in the dimly lit room and you couldn't help but stare for a minute.

„Like what you see doll? Wanna continue what we started in the bathroom?"

„I'd like to talk first actually" you answered quickly

„Oh, the Steve situation can wait, I'm sure you'll be on board with me, actually having some fun now will convince you even better" he said as he approached the bed where you were sitting.

„It's not about him. I want to ask about you and Tina." You said and felt your voice tremble as you said her name. The girl was boring, dull looking and no match for him yet still you knew if what she said to Nancy was true – you'd leave this room immediately and not get involved with him.

Bad boy // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now