Part 20

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A/N: Thank you all so much for reading! It looks like this story has come to an end and I hope you all aren't disappointed with the way it finishes! I have published the first chapter of my Dacre fic I'm working on and I'll post that one weekly so go ahead and check it out. Again, thanks for all the love, it means the world <3


Steve didn't say anything for a moment but then he approached and hugged you. His hands were all over you, holding on as if you were a life line. He pulled away and it was as if he didn't notice Billy at all, who had let go of your hand when Steve approached just from the shock of that action. You were equally as shocked, unsure as to what he was doing at all.

You took a step back from him and just looked Steve dead in the eyes for a while. He didn't say anything so you spoke first.

"What are you doing?" you asked while looking at him, Billy standing nearby too.

"I'm just so thankful you stopped the fight and it's so typical of you to try to mend things. I know you brought him here so we can make up and end the fighting. I'm aware how much I've been complaining about the stupid rumors that you two mess around behind my back and it's just so sweet of you to take it into your own hands and try to fix this. I'm sorry I bothered you so much about that instead of enjoying the time we spend together." Steve replied.

A few of the people from the crowd that was gathered around let out a giggle and Steve looked around, confused. "This is why you brought him here after what he did, right?" He asked, looking back and forth between you and Billy.

You looked at Billy and saw that he was getting anxious too. Obviously, causing a fight like that would bring him trouble but you knew that the best way to prevent Steve from complaining to anyone and seeking any legal action was to crush him.

"Stevie, listen, you've got it all wrong. The rumors? They were true. The whole pathetic little act of us being a couple was nothing more than a game to me and Billy. You really thought you could have me? This whole time I was with Billy and unlike you he's a real man who knows how to treat me right." you laughed and continued "It was all just a joke to show everyone and most importantly – you, what a loser you actually are. Honestly, the thought of kissing you made my stomach turn every time so I'm glad it's over and even more glad that everyone is here to see."

You could hear people whispering with shocked expressions on their faces. Some people laughed while others stayed quiet but you could sense that they couldn't believe how blind Steve must've been to not see what was happening.

"Oh, is the king of Hawkins speechless?" Asked Billy as he came to stand near your side.

"You two are sick, you know that?" Steve yelled out. "And nobody told me too? Why did you all play along?" He asked the people that were watching the scene unfold.

Nobody replied and you and Billy just stood there smiling, glad to be done with this charade. You knew after an embarrassment like this Steve wouldn't tell anyone what actually happened or how the fight started. He'd finally keep his tail down and stay in his place.

After accusing everyone but himself of being two faced liars Steve ran out of the school and the other students went their own way too. You could see that Billy was still shook up from the loss of control he had when he attacked Steve but he was already doing much better.

You two went back out to the parking lot and inside Billy's Camaro. You didn't speak at all but you could tell, this was a beginning of a new chapter, a chapter where the ones you hate are put in their place and you and Billy can be open about your relationship too. It was a relief. And yes, you may have done something bad but in the end you believed that the cocky ones will get their share of embarrassment in the end and in this case you happened to be the one to deal it to them.

After calming down you drove to Billy's place and took a nice warm shower together. His hands were bruised so you planted soft kisses to make him feel better and naturally it turned into something more. His needy kisses were covering your neck and your hands were in his wet hair. The shower was getting steamy and so were you two. Kisses turned into moans and hands were exploring more and more until you stepped out and went to his bedroom, not even thinking that anyone could see or hear. It was like you were in a trance, finally not worried about anyone figuring out that you two were together. As you entered his room, Billy kicked the door close and joined you in bed where you were laying, resting on your elbows.

"So, now that we're officially together, should I give you the extra special treatment?" He purred into your ear.

"Please, Billy, I need to feel you inside me, you teased me so much in the shower already and the whole ordeal has me so ready for your touch." You begged. However, Billy didn't oblige. He scooted down, kissing down from your neck to your thigs. He spread your legs and you threw your head back as if preparing for the pleasure you're about to feel but instead he kept on planting small kisses on your inner thighs and caressing your body gently, completely avoiding the spot where you needed him the most. You moved your hips, begging for contact but he placed a hand on your lower tummy to hold you still.

"Well aren't you desperate, huh baby? I want to take my time with you, I want to make you feel so good you'll forget your own name." Billy said as he continued to tease you.

You were squirming, trying to stay still so he'd get to it faster but he took his sweet time. Once his tongue hit the spot, you cried out so loud the neighbors could probably hear it too. Billy went from slow, torture like teasing to a murderous rhythm, eating you out like it was his last mean and you couldn't control yourself at all. Your hands were in his hair, begging not to stop and crying out his name over and over. It's unclear how much time passed and how many times you came but once he took a break and you felt the sudden loss of contact you pulled him up and kissed him, deep enough to taste yourself on his tongue. You could feel he was rock hard already and you wanted nothing more than to feel him inside you. You took a hand and guided him in and as soon as you made contact he set a rough pace yet again. Skin on skin, sloppy kisses mixed with muffled moans you two were in heaven. It was pure bliss and even better than all the times before. Now you don't need to hide and sneak around. Now – you have each other and all the time in the world. Billy's agonizing pace was sending you over the edge once more and you could feel he's about to cum too so you wrapped your legs around his waist, giving him an even better angle. This made him pound even more and soon enough you both came and you could swear, the sensation of him cumming inside you, throbbing as he does so was everything you could ever want and more.

Meeting Billy Hargrove was an accident or maybe a coincidence that turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Despite the damage you two caused, neither one of you could imagine anything more blissful that this.

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