Part 13

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The morning came and you were glad to feel Billy still near you, sleeping soundly. You didn't wake up once after falling asleep but assumed that your father wasn't home yet. Your movements woke Billy up and he smiled as soon as he saw you.

„Morning doll, how are you feeling?" he said, voice still raspy from sleep.

„I'm better, rested at least." You said, knowing that in fact you still felt terrible.

„I'll go ahead and make breakfast, we need to be in school soon enough." He got up, placed a kiss on your forehead and went out of your room after getting dressed.

It was so nice to see him first thing in the morning, to have him support you through this but you could feel that something inside of you changed. The remorse, the doubt you felt about the situation with Steve last night right after your father stormed out? That was nowhere to be seen anymore. Maybe that was your way of dealing with such sudden changes and trauma but you wanted to make someone hurt and that someone happened to be Steve.

With thoughts rushing through your head you went downstairs and ate with Billy, not saying much. Only later, already in his car on the way to school you spoke again.

„Billy, the plan that we have, you know the one with Steve?" you said.

„Yeah, what about it?"

„I think I want to change it up a bit."

„You don't have to worry about that now, it was just a bit of fun and there are more important things to focus on. We can get back at him anytime later on." Billy said reassuring you.

„No, it's not that. I want to do it, I think it'd be a good distraction."

„So what is it then? Don't tell me you're enjoying spending time with that loser or getting a crush on him now, are you?" Billy asked, a slight hint of worry mixed with disbelief mixed in his voice.

„No, not at all." You laughed. „I want to speed it up tho, I am feeling creative but I need a party to happen next week or so to make my plan come to life."

„Are you sure it's the right time for that?" Billy asked and you couldn't believe how quickly the boy seemed to fall for you and care about your feelings. Sure, you felt that way about him too but it was still almost unbelievable.

„I think it'd be fun and better than sulking around. I can't change what happened with my parents anymore and I'd rather be out of the house as much as possible."

„I know that feeling." Billy sighed. You were almost at school so he stopped at a curve, placing one more kiss on your lips before letting you out. You two couldn't be seen driving into the school parking lot together, otherwise Steve would never believe you anymore.

„I'll see you later, yeah?" you said after getting out of the car.

„Definitely babe, have a good day and if you need me – come to me whenever." Billy said, looking at you with what seemed like the most genuine care ever.

The school was a few minutes by foot away so you took your time and thought about how you wanted to play with Steve and release all your negative emotions on him. It was cruel and unnecessary but you couldn't help yourself. Maybe you were evil after all or maybe you just didn't know how to express your pain in a healthy way.

Bad boy // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now