Chapter one: New life New friends New me

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I slowly wake up to the sound of my beeping alarm. "Ugh. It's to early." I say to myself as I roll over and unplug the darn thing. I get up anyway. I make myself a cup of tea then I get ready. "Car keys... where are they?!" I yell to myself. I finally spot them on the coffee table.
I run down the long hallway of my apartment building to the elevator. I look at my watch. "Oh crap...I'm late." I whisper as I repeatedly hit the down button. The elevator finally opens and a step inside, pushing the button that leads to the first floor. "Good morning Mrs. Rose!" I yell as I run out the front door. I liked Mrs. Rose. She was the lady that always sat in the lobby....for some reason. She was older, always was wearing pink, knitting, and had her hair in a tight bun. I quickly get in my car and start to drive. I like gives me time to think. 'I've changed.' I thought. 'I don't really use my powers any more....and I'm not that angry like I used to be.'
I pull in front of Stark towers. I was an agent of S.H.E.L.D. but because of my powers I became an Avenger. Nick Fury needed us quickly, so the plan was to meet at Stark tower and Nick would fly on one of his helicopters to come meet us. "Hey guys!" I say as I walk in. "Mornin." Tony says as he walks down the stairs. "Capsicle is upstairs." He tells me as he points to the ceiling. I smile. "He might still be asleep though. it's only," Tony looks at his watch (which is high tech or whatever). "It's only seven thirty." I shrug. Then I run up the stairs, take an elevator, and step into a long hallway. I've known the Avengers for a while now. They're nice I guess...Tony can be a jerk sometimes, but Pepper makes sure he keeps his ducks in a row.
I walk down the hall. There are a couple of paintings here and there. I look for Steve's room. Me and Steve got along well. I would teach him about "modern day stuff" and he would tell me about his life, which was interesting. I find Steve's room (finally), and slowly open the door. I peek inside and see him asleep on his bed. I quietly walk inside, grab the closest pillow, and whack Steve in the head. "WAKE UP! GET READY! EAT YOUR FOOD!" I yell. Steve screams like a little girl and I'm left almost dying of laughter. "Not funny!" He says as he throws a pillow at me. I wipe away a tear and sigh. "Yes it is." I say as I walk out of his room.
"Where's birdie?" I ask Tony and Bruce as I sit down for breakfast. "He's helping Nick." Bruce says as he pushes up his glasses. "Natasha?" I ask. "We're scared to wake her up." Tony replies as Steve walks into the room. "Ayyy! Capsicles awake!" Tony says and me and Bruce laugh. "Good morning." Natasha yawns as she walks in and sits down. She is dressed and ready. "Miss your boyfriend?" Tony asks. I try not to laugh. "Clit is not my boyfriend, Stark." She simply says. I raise my eye brows at her. I was expecting a punch in the face situation. I look at Steve and he sits next to me. Suddenly all of our phones go off at once. I quickly pull out my phone and look at it. It says,
"Barton has been compromised. A God named, Loki has come with bad tidings. I'll be there in about ten minuets.
"Loki?" I ask. "Who's that?" I look around. Nobody seems to know.
We all sit around in the living room. I, leaning on Steve, Tony in his workshop up stairs, Natasha on the floor, and Bruce sitting in an arm chair. "Barton compromised....." Bruce says. "That's dangerous." I say. Steve looks at me. Natasha says nothing. We sit there for a second, just watching the TV. Suddenly we hear something on the roof. I quickly stand up and run to Tony's workshop. "He's here." I say and Tony comes with me.
We all go to the roof to see a black helicopter with the S.H.E.I.L.D. logo printed on it. I then see Nick step out and walk to us. "Loki has started his tantrum." He says simply. "Who even is this guy?" I ask. "Brother of Thor. He's a God. He plans to take over the Earth." He explains. I nod slowly, Then we all get into the helicopter. Natasha is driving and me, Tony, Nick, This guy named Phill, and Bruce are in the back. I must say the helicopter was big. It had a bathroom and this little area for our suits. I didn't have a "suit" yet but whatever. Steve suited up and so did Tony. I stayed in my jeans and T-shirt. "Where are we going?" I ask. Natasha turns around to me and smiles, "Germany."

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