Chapter nineteen: Together at last

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Eleven days later....only five days until his army attacks. I've been training and talking about battle so much that I forgot what it was like to relax. "Hey!" I turned around to see Bruce running to me from down the hall. "What's up?"
"How are you feeling?"


"Well....I need to-Uh- run one more blood test." He stuttered as he pushed his glasses higher up on his nose. "Okay?" I said as I followed him to the lab.
"Aaaaannd, done." Bruce said as he pulled the needle out of my wrist. I watched him as he took the vile of blood over to a testing area. "I'm gonna....go." I saidas I slowly got up and walked out of the lab.
I was going to do it. Restore her memory and make her mine again. I walked out of the small 'bedroom' and down the hall. Suddenly I heard a phone ringing down the hall. I quickly used my powers to turn myself invisible. "Hello?" I heard Becca say down the hall. "Yeah I got time." I heard her say. I stayed silent. "Yeah.....okay. Wait.... WHAT?!" I saw her drop the phone and rush down the hall. "Hello? Becca?" A voice from the phone said. The solider. I made myself visible again and I followed Becca.
"Macy!" I yelled as I sat down at the other end of Fury's table. Fury sat next to me and Macy on the far end. "Yeah?" She asked innocently. "You're helping us fight?!" I asked. I was so happy that she would be fighting next to me but......What if she got hurt...or worse. "Yeah! Are you happy?!"



"Ye-" Fury cut Macy off, "Girls...calm down please. You're giving me a headache. Yes, She is going to be an Avenger. Yes, she is going to help us. And Becca," Fury looked to me. "Can you please go inform the others. I need to have a word with Macy." I nodded and looked to Macy. I mouthed an, I'm sorry and got up and walked out.
"That's awesome Becca." Steve said as he continued to hit the punching bag. "I know. Not that interesting, but it is to me old man!" I joked. Steve stopped and looked at me. He smirked and grabbed his water bottle. "How about me and you train a little." Steve said as he stepped closer, "I don't know if that's a pick up line, or if you really want to train with me." I laughed. Steve smiled and set his water bottle down.
Suddenly Steve lunged at me. My powers took over as I stepped out of the way. "AGH!" He yelled as he fell on his face. I laughed as I calmed my powers and held out a hand to help him up. He took my hand....only to twist my arm around so he could get up and on top of me. "Steve Rogers!" I yelled. "Yes ma'am?" He said innocently. He leaned closer and kissed my nose, "If we win and survive this battle.....can I have the honor of taking you out on a date?" He asked. "If I say yes will you get off of me?" I joked. He smiled, "Yes."

"Okay fine, I'll go on a date with you."
Steve got off of me and we continued to train. I joked with him while I fought him. Calling him things like, 'Capsicle' and 'old man'.
"That was fun." Steve said as we took a water break. "Yeah....I'm totally beating you at fighting you know." Steve smirked, "Okay, sure."
"Hey Becca, may I speak with you for a moment?" I voice said from the doorway. It was Luke. "Sure." I said as I got up. I waved to Steve and went to talk to Luke.
I followed Luke down the long, empty hall. "Here." He said and opened a closet door. What? What was he planning on, 'talking about'? "What are you-"

"Just get in the closet." I did. Once we where both inside he reached up and pulled a cord, a small light flickered on. "So, what do you need to talk about?" I heard him sigh. "Becca...." He said, "Don't try to kill me." I was confused, "What are you talking abou-" I was cut off by Luke raising his hands.....he was....changing. Long black hair fell on his shoulders, pale skin appeared on his face, sharp cheek bones and bright green eyes appeared on his face, his agent outfit was replaced with green and golden armor......Loki. "LOK-" I was cut off by his hand flying to my mouth to cover my yell. I wanted to use my powers..... but I couldn't.
"Becca, I will not harm you. If you do what I say. Now, don't use your powers or scream when I take my hand away.......understood?" I nodded. He slowly took his hand away from my mouth and placed it by his side. "Why are you always coming for me?" I whispered. He said nothing, he just placed his hands on my hips and leaned closer. I didn't move a muscle.
He was so close now. His hot breath caressed my skin. He finally closed the gap In between our lips.
My eyes snapped shut as images appeared in front of my eyes.
Sif....her name was Sif. And Ashlee. I knew I've known them from somewhere.

Thor......goodness he was there too.

Odin......Frigga.....Frigga....She did this to my mind.....

The ball.....Me and Loki training.

Me and Loki......Loki.....wait I REMEMBER! I remember everything!

I pulled away from Loki. He stared at me with worry. That's when I noticed my face had tears and sweat on it. I was standing on one side of the closet and Loki on the other.......We just stood there in silence until I broke it with my happy cries. I remembered......and I was so happy. "I knew I wasn't crazy!" I yelled/whispered. Loki smiled at me.
Suddenly I stopped. ".....Wait...." I said. Loki's face turned worried again. I walked up to him slowly. SMACK! I slapped Loki as hard as I could. He held the side of his face in pain. "You left me!" I whisper yelled. Loki took his hand away from his face, a red hand print stained his pale cheek. "I know and I'm-" SMACK! "Why are you about to try to take over the world?!" Loki said nothing as he once again held his face in pain. "I am truly sorry Becca....I-" SMACK! I smacked him one more time. He looked at me with anger in his eyes. "Now, pet. I agree that I deserved the first two." He stepped closer. I kept walking back until my back hit the wall. He was again so close to my face. "But I do not think I deserved that one."

"I'm sorry.....I'm still shocked." I explained. His eyes softened and he nodded. "Okay love......So you remember?"

"Yes....." I whispered and this time I closed the gap in between us.
"Becca....Love...." He said once we pulled away. "Yes?"
"I have to go......I swear that I will not allow harm to come to you. I hope to see you soon.....and if I can rule with me." He said. I smirked, "I'd be honored.....but.....we are going to kick your-"
"Becca?!" Tony's voice rang from down the hall. I looked to Loki he smirked before kissing my forehead and vanishing.

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