Chapter eighteen: Becca's mind is broken

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I woke up the next morning to a terrible pain in my head. I moaned and got out of bed........I fell on my hands and knees and screamed in pain. I became scared, The pain got worse and worse. I tried to call for help but it did no good. "AGRHHH!" I yelled. I tried to get up, I supported myself on the wall....Then it got worse. I began to cough up blood. I was freaking out. I began to cry as blood dripped off my chin and landed on the floor.
Suddenly, blurry images appeared in front of me. A golden castle, two girls that I felt like I knew.....but didn't, and the most handsome man I've ever seen......Then I blacked out.

"It's okay Loki! Just don't let go!"
"Oh! I'm sorry I was looking for Sif!"

"My name is Ashlee."
"Tell us Odin's war plans!"

"We brought you here because you where to much of a-"

"To much of a what?!"
"I'll help you train."
"What do you want from me?"

"A kiss."

"No Loki."
"Can you do me a favor?"


"Let go...."
"Becca? Becca can you hear me?" I shook my head and slowly opened my eyes. Macy. She sighed with relief and hugged me. "I haven't seen you in so long." She whispered. "Where am I?"
"In the, as I call it, 'the broken agent room'." She laughed. I smiled and looked around. I saw that I was hooked up to a machine. I looked to my left to see Tony and Bruce. "Hey sport! How are ya feelin?" Tony asked. I smiled and Macy held my hand. Bruce nodded and walked out of the room with Tony. I was confused for a second. "Why haven't I seen you around mu-"
"Becca....I....I was locked up...For everyone's own good."


"The teseract. I tried.....I tried to control it with my powers so it would turn on the Chatari and kill them...... It went the other way around, Becca. It took me over and I killed several agents! So they locked me up....The only thing I remember is the, 'other me' tried to get out with my powers. I turned into several different agents, hoping they would let me out. I finally fought it off and now I'm here." She laughed. "Enough about are you feeling.....we found you in a pool of your own blood, passed out, and mumbling some....some strange things."

"Like what?"

"Asguard, Ashlee, Sif, Odin......Loki." She explained. Suddenly the machine beside me started beeping out of control. My heart stared to beat against my rib cage. Suddenly I screamed in pain as my head started to hurt. It felt like a dagger was being shoved into my skull. "Becca?!" Macy said as she held my shoulders. I began to feel my powers taking over. Macy quickly backed away when she saw my eyes turn red. My whole body burst into flames as I continued to trash and scream in pain.
"WHATS GOING ON HERE?!" Bruce yelled as he rushed in with Tony. "CALM HER DOWN FOR GODS SAKE!" Tony yelled as he tried to calm me down. "WHAT IS THIS?!" Thor boomed as he ran in. I then began to see those images again. Thor quickly ran to me like he's done this before. "BECCA! CALM DO-"

"GET OUT! ALL OF YOU!" I heard a familiar voice scream.....Luke. "NO! SHES IN PAIN! IM HER BEST FRIEND! IM STAYING!" Macy yelled over my blood curling screams. "GO!" Luke yelled. They left. Suddenly Luke's eyes turned red and his skin turned blue with red markings on it. He slowly put his hands on my fiery shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "Calm down Becca....It's all okay....I'm here." The pain went away and my powers calmed. I laid my head back and looked at Luke, he was back to normal now. "What are you?" I asked. "Shhhh. You need rest....a war is coming." He whispered. Before I knew it....I was asleep.
"She can't fight like this." The solider (Steve) said. "I know...." Fury said, "Just....Tony and Bruce....try to help her get better."
"May I help too?" I asked. Fury looked at the Avengers then back at me. "Fine."
Hey guys! Sorry for the short, crappy chapter. It's kinda of a filler chapter. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!!

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