Chapter eight: parters in crime

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Authors note:
Hey guys! I'm back. I really hope that you are enjoying the story! If you tap/click on the picture above you will see Becca on the left and Macy on the right. Please like and comment! Love you guys!
I hope she got my letter. I wonder if she will stay put....she won't. Will she come to find me? Will she stay with the Avengers? God... I need to calm down. One of my solders went to find her but came back empty handed....fools. I just want my Becca safe....and with me.
" old are you, kid?" I asked Macy. We where diving out of the city and to (where we think) Loki would be hiding. She sifted in the passengers seat, "I'm twenty." She replied. I nodded. "Well I'm twenty five." She nodded. "How did S.H.E.I.L.D. find you?" I asked. She sighed.
"I was trying to kill someone....instead of keeping me prisoner they offered me to join the Avengers initiative. I refused. So they put me in the lab, I like it there....not as stressful, you know? We run tests on Steve's blood you know? Yeah....and Bruce's, Thor's, even yours. I offered them a sample of my blood but they just told me to get back to work. But whatever." She explained. I sighed and looked at her. "Are you sure that we are going where we need to?" I asked. She looked out the window. "If my theories are correct, Loki and....I think a small amount of his solders have taken over a S.H.E.I.L.D. secret base and they are hiding there. All we have to do is simply walk in. Well I'll be disguised as a Chatari and I'll bring you in saying that I found you walking around or whatever excuse I can come up with."
"You. Are. Brilliant. You know that?"

"Yes. I figured that out already." She laughed. I smiled at her. We where now in the middle of no where. It's strange I always thought that the city never ended....boy, was I wrong. We sat in silence for a long time before Macy touched my shoulder. "Stop the car."
"What? Why-"

"STOP THE FREAKIN CAR, BECCA!" I quickly hit the brakes and parked on the side of the road. "WHAT IS IT?" I yelled. "I can....I since something....This- This has never happened before." I looked at her. She was sweating and shaking. "Are you ok?" I asked. She looked at me terrified. "Crap." She whispered, right before our car got turned over and both of us where knocked out.
When I woke up we where being dragged down a long hallway. I look over and see Macy still knocked out. My whole body aches and my head hurts. I looked up to see who was dragging us along but right when I looked up, someone hit me in the head and once again I was knocked out.
I awake in a cell. Its made of thick glass with tiny holes so I can breath. In the cell is a small bed and a toilet in the corner with a sink next to it. I turn around to see another cell next to mine, Macy is in it. suddenly I feel something warm trickling down my face, I reach up and touch it. Its blood. I look back to Macy's cell then at my hands. I run to the sink and try to wash the blood off. Then I hear my cell door open, ever so slowly. "Loki." I whisper. I hear him walking closer to me, then I feel his hot breath on my neck. "Why are you here?" He asks. I turn to look at him, "Because you're my mission." I explain. He says nothing. "I can make you remember if you just trust me." He says quietly. I look him in his green eyes. "What if I don't want to remember?"
"Then you don't have to."


"You will not defeat me."

"Yes....yes I will. And so will the Avengers."

"Oh...I see. They are your new "friends" now?"


"And the solder? Do you have feelings for him?"



"Love is for children."

"I'm in love."



"Shut up. You're just trying to trick me."

"I would never."

"I don't believe you."

"You should."

"Why have you taken me and my friend prisoner?"

"To keep you safe." Me and him are so close now, I back away a little. "Leave." I tell him, he laughs. "You can't tell me what to do." I get mad and my powers take over. He steps closer, "Calm yourself." I ignore him. I walk closer and closer, I hold my hands up, about to beat the crap out of him when suddenly I hear Macy. I calm my powers and run to the cell wall so I can see her. She's asleep....but she was screaming. "Let me out! Please, Loki!" I scream. "I can't loose another friend!" He looks at me, grabs me by the arm, and drags me to Macy's cell. I rush to her. "Shhhh! It's okay! It's all going to be okay Macy....Wake up! It's just a nightmare!" She couldn't hear me. She continued to trash and scream. I looked to Loki, "Help her, please!" I said, tears blurring my vision. Loki calmly walked over and placed his hand on her forehead. She stopped.
I looked to Loki, he was looking at me. "I must take you back to your cell now." He said calmly. I nodded. I didn't really care anymore. Because I knew that we where going to defeat him.....and I didn't care how.
Macy awoke about an hour later. I explained where we where and what's going on. She sighed and sat on the floor of her cell and I sat on mine. I laid down after a few minutes. We where bored. So like any three year old with super powers, we played with them. About two minutes into this, I found out that Macy could not only turn into people, but also animals.Which was interesting. We laughed and joked. Even though we where in different cells, we could talk to each other through the little holes in the thick glass. "Can you turn other people into other animals and people?" I asked. She shrugged, "I've never tried that."
"We really need to get back to the Avengers."

"But director Fury gave you this mission."

"Then why have you joined me?"

"Because....I'm your partner in crime."

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