Chapter fourteen: The new agent

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I walked into the training room again the next morning at four in the morning. I just woke up from another nightmare. I decided to take out my fear and anger on the training equipment. I started to kick and hit the punching bag as hard as I could until my hands hurt. Then I started to jump rope. Then back to the punching bag. I was concentrated and lost in thought when suddenly I heard a voice that startled me. My powers took over as I faced the door. "Sorry to scare you Becca." A cool voice said. It was an agent. I calmed myself. "Oh it's fine...Are you new?" I asked. The agent had jet black hair that was pulled back and he eyes. He was also wearing one of the S.H.E.I.L.D. suits. "Oh yeah. I'm new. My name is Luke." I walked over to him. "Well.....welcome to the team." I said. He seemed like a shady guy....I think I'll keep an eye on him. "Thanks." He said and he walked out. I watched him go. Who was that guy? Why did he come and see me at like, five in the morning. Also, he's new? Fury didn't tell us about new recruits. did he know my name? I kept thinking about this while I continued to train.
"I don't trust this guy, Steve." I said as me and Steve walked down the hallway. "He seems like a nice guy. Give him a chance." He said as we entered the lab. Bruce, Thor, Tony, .....and Luke where there. "And we are still prepping for Loki's- Hey! Capsicle and Becca!" Tony said as he looked up from the computer. I pulled out a chair that rolls and started to slowly spin in it. "What are you guys doing?" I asked. Bruce answered me, "Nick told us not to interfere with his war plans so we have nothing to do." I sighed. "Well I have a chess set." Bruce said. Everyone just looked at him. "I guess not." He sighed. "I need to kill something." I said. Steve looked at me. "What?"
"Or just shoot something! I'm that bored Steve!" Steve looked at Luke. Then back at me. Then at Thor. Then back at me. He sighed and handed me a gun that he had. "What?! You give her a gun?" Tony whined. "Yeah she needs to start using guns instead of her powers." Tony continued to complain. "Well, the soldiers right. My brother-"
"HES NOT YOUR BROTHER!" Luke cut in. Everyone went quiet. "Well," Steve said. "As I was saying, she needs to learn how to get used to a gun. Just in case." Steve explained. I smiled, "See? Steve gets it! Thanks Capsicle!" I said, and just to see what Luke would do. I gave Steve a kiss on the cheek and walked out.
"Well, the soldiers right. My brother-"
"HES NOT YOUR BROTHER!" I snapped. Crap. I can't let my cover be blown. So I let the awkward silence commence and I stayed quiet. I was looking at Becca now.....My Becca.
"Well, As I was saying, she needs to learn how to get used to a gun. Just in case." The soldier said. I tensed up when Becca spoke, "See? Steve gets it! Thanks Capsicle!" She said happily....then. Then. Then she....kissed his cheek. I held back the urge to run up to the soldier and kill him. I quickly read Becca's mind. Ah.....Clever girl. She thought Luke was a shady figure. She was becoming aware. She wanted to see what I would do when she kissed his cheek. So clever. One of the many reasons why I love her so. Well....My love. Don't will see the real me soon enough.

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