valentine's day special

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I started giving my American law teacher a heart with a small message on the back. He's a really nice teacher and he saw me making them in class so he said he rlly liked them. I ended up putting one on his desk without him knowing and today in class he said he was rlly happy when he saw it😭 and then today I gave him another one with a small note on the back and he got rlly happy😭 ima give him one everyday since he's my favorite teacher. Every other teacher is kinda rude😟💀(except my Italian teacher. She's so nice too🤧</3)
Edited: (October 6-7, 2021)
Bold in english
Normal in korean

Last night the boys invited you to play games with them. Since you don't live with them anymore, they all missed your presence. So they either invite you to the dorm 24/7 or they go over to yours. You didn't mind it tho. Having 8 wonderful boys around you always lifted your mood up.

"Minjee. Wake up it's already 8." Felix shook you.

"No. Leave me alone." You mumbled, pulling the covers higher.

"It's Already 8 min." He laughed. "Wake uppp"

"Nooo" you shook your head. You heard him sigh before he let his body drop on you. "felix I can't breath!!" You groaned.

"If you couldn't breath you wouldn't be talking." He replied. "Do you want me to make it so you really can't breath?"

"No." You yawned.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Felix no- stop-" you tried pushing him off. He lifted his arms and legs up, adding pressure on onto your body. "Ahk felix!" You groaned.

"Felix get off the poor girl, she suffers enough having to be in the same dorm as you." Seungmin teased.

"I am a delight to have around!" Felix dramatically gasped. You laughed before pushing him off you. "Thanks. Now I feel like I died." You sat up.

"But you didn't." Felix winked, causing you to roll your eyes.

"Okay~ breakfast is finished let's go." Seungmin called out. "who made it?" You asked.

"Hyunjin and minho." He responded.

"Does it taste like coins??" Felix asked, making you three laugh.

"Sh when we go out there we don't talk about that. They'll beat us with the spoon." You shushed. They laughed before nodding. You yawned, standing up before walking to the bathroom.

"I'll be out there in a bit." They nodded before leaving the room. You did your morning routine. Wash your face, do your skincare, change clothing, brush your teeth, brush your hair.

You finished up before walking out the room. You wore a hoodie with sweats. Basic. But you guys were at the dorms so what were you supposed to wear? A whole run way model outfit?

You walked to the kitchen being greeted by them.

"Good morning min!" Some yelled cheefully, some mumbled still 60% asleep.

You smiled before greeting back. "Morning."

You yawned before grabbing breakfast. "Chan youre doing a live later right?" Minho asked.

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