meeting the members pt.3 (changbin)

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Edited: (August 15, 2021)

-Minjee POV-
Me and Minho we're currently in the studio, he wanted to write a song, but didn't know how so asked me for help.
"what type of song do you want to write? Love, funny, retro?" I asked
"I'm not sure, I randomly just got this idea" he responded
"Well considering it's currently 2am, I can see what you mean by "randomly" " I said as I laughed
He laughed a long with me
"Yah! I was bored and didn't feel tired"
"So you thought waking ME up at 2 am to write a song would be fun?"
"...yes?" He said
I shook my head laughing and he joined as well. Then someone randomly walked into the room
"Oh-! Hello!" He bowed to us
Me and Minho looked at eachother a bit confused
"Hello" minho said I turned to the boy at the door and smiled
"Hi" I said waving at him
He looked at both of us
"What are you two doing am??" He asked
"We could ask you the same thing actually" minho said
"Ah..I'm was going to produce a new song" he responded to minhos question
"Ah.." I nodded
"Well, I gotta go, bye minho! Bye..." I looked at him confusingly
"Oh- I'm changbin"
I nodded "well, bye guys!"
Minho turned to me and grabbed my arm "wait-!"
I turned around and looked at him "hm?"
"Where are you going? Are you going back to sleep?" He asked
"I mean, that'd be the most reasonable thing to do since it IS 2:30 am, BUT no. I'm not, I'm going to the dance studio" I said
"What? Why-at 2 am?! That's kinda weird minjee" he said
"What? Me? No! Youre the one who wanted to go to the studio to write a song at 2 am for fun!" I responded
"Hey! I thought it'd be fun :(" he said
"Aish...whatever if you need me I'll be in the practice room. Bye"
He waved at me and I walked to the practice room.
A couple minutes later I got tired and decided to go to sleep, tomorrow all the trainees were going to take classes in groups, we will be split up and we'll take classes, I have dance tomorrow and so does minho, at least I'm with someone I know. I head to the studio to see if minhos still there, I walk in and saw him on the couch and changbin on the desk as I walk in they both look at me.
"Hm?-oh, hey minjee" minho said looking up
"Hey, just wanted to tell you I'm heading back to the dorms, you should too, we have classes tomorrow" I said
Minho looked shocked "omo! I forgot about that! If I remembered I wouldve gone to sleep and not woken you up! I'm sorry"
I looked at him and smiled while shaking my head "it's alright, I also forgot anyways, I just remembered when I was in the dance room. Anyways, I'ma go, you coming minho?" I asked
He nodded his head and got up "let's go" he turned around and looked at changbin "bye changbin, it was nice meeting you" I nodded and waved, he did a small nod signalling bye and we left,
"That changbin kid seems okay I guess" minho said as we start walking
"Hm?? Oh- yeah," I said
"What do you think?" He asked me
"I'm not sure, I mean, I didn't talk to him at all, did you?"
"Yeah" he said nodding
"He only introduced himself tho, like, his name, what he's here for and how old he is" he continued
"Ah, what's he here for? How old?" I asked interested
"He's here for rapping, he's actually really good at it, and he's a 99' liner, he's currently 16." He said
"Ahh" I nodded
"I feel so young...all of you guys are born in 1990's and I'm in 2000's" I said pouting
"Don't worry, being the youngest might come in handy, I mean, being 13, you can get away with a lot of things, just pout and look cute and they'll let you off" he said, I laughed a bit
"No...I can't do that..." I said
He looked at me "what's wrong?"
"It just feels like people tell me like, just be cute or pretty and you'll debut and get away with anything, you don't need to be talented to dance so much that it doesn't seem like a compliment at all...but I know you didn't mean it like that," I said
He looks at me "ah, sorry...I didn't mean it like that..didn't know it'd make you uncomfortable" he said
I shook my head "it's alright, you didnt know. Anyways, speaking of training, what time do we wake up for class?" I asked
"Well, they didn't say anything, so in guessing the regular" he said
I nodded "well then, I'll see you at 5 am, geez ..I'm not getting a good night sleep tonight" I said laughing
He laughed "sorry," he said
I nodded "it's fine, it's...3 am?! Wah..we've been out for an hour ..." I said he nodded "yep...anyways, go to your room and sleep, bye minjee-ah" he said waving I waved back and entered, I go to sleep since tomorrow I have to wake up at 5 am.
I wake up and go to the bathroom, I put on black sweatpants and a white crop top and a black cap, I then eat an apple and brush my teeth and head to the dance room. As I entered I saw minho with changbin
"Hey minjee!" Minho said looking up
I smiled and ran over to them "hi! Hi changbin!" I said he looked at me and just nodded. Does he not like me...? Whatever, he'll warm up to me, right?
"So, did you get a good night sleep?" Minho asked laughing
I shook my head laughing "no, I slept for 4 hours minho, what am I gonna do with you?"
"Not sure, maybe be best friends with." He responded
"I'm already best friends with Chris, he's enough, I don't need to have you too that's too much" I said teasingly
"Yah! Don't disrespect your oppa like that!" He said
I fake gagged "ew, don't EVER say oppa again."
"Minjee, we've been over this, one day you'll have to either call me sunbaenim, or oppa, no in between"
I shook my head "I refuse to say those. I'll say -Ssi instead"
"Minjee, youre younger. Just address me as Oppa" he said
"And? Your point? Oppas too sexualized by females,, just don't feel like saying it." I said he shook his head and smiled
"Alright, whatever you say minjee, whatever you say" I smiled and soon the instructer came in he started telling us the steps to the dance. I've been doing dance since I was 6 so I got the steps pretty easy. In the middle of class we had a break and I was sitting with minho and changbin. I grabbed my water and started drinking it, then the instructor came to me
"Minjee...right?" I nodded and bowed at him
"Is something wrong?" Minho asked
The instructor shook his head "just wanted to say great job today minjee! You did really good for someone so young!" I smiled and bowed
"Thank you!" He smiled and walked away.
"Seems like you really like dancing" changbin said
I looked at him and nodded.
"I do, I've been dancing since I was six. It's something I enjoy." He nodded and went back to looking at the floor. He really doesn't like me huh?
Two weeks later and I'm alone dancing in the room. Everytime I walk around the building people always look at me and smile? Whatever...
I'm dancing and there's other trainees there, but they kind their own business, I'm dancing to BTS fire and I got to the dance break and did it perfectly. After I was done I went back to minho and he was smiling wide,
"You know, all these trainees all look up to you right?"
"What? No they don't" I shook my head
"They all are looking towards you, you're a great dancer, but you're too humble to notice"
I smiled and shook my head "I'm not a great dancer, I'm average, there's a lot of people that are better than me at dancing." He shook his head and we kept talking.
Changbin POV
"Did you see minjee?! She's so young and she danced that so we'll!"
"I know! She danced the dance break without messing it up!"
"Minjee is so young! She did so well!"
Ugh! People always talk about her. No one shuts up! I get it, she's young and talented, but what about everyone else? I jealous?
No, I can't be! I'm like 5 years older than her that'd be stupid. I just hate the fact that they always talk about her like she's everything and she doesn't even realize it. I want some of that attention, I trained for a long time and am amazing at rapping, why does no one compliment me? Whatever.
~3 days later~
Minjee POV
I was hanging out with Chris
"Have you talked to that changbin kid?" I asked
He turned me looking confused
"Yeah, why?"
"Nothing, he just seems to not like me..." I responded
"What do you mean?" Be asked with his eyebrows furrowed
"I mean, whenever I'm near him he never looks at me, only gives me small responses and sometimes doesn't even respond" I said
"..I can talk to him if you'd like?" He suggested
"No! I don't want him to feel uncomfortable if that's not the case, it'll be fine" I said, Chris nodded and we continued talking
A couple days later Chris came up to me "hey! I figured out why chanbin doesn't really talk to you" he said
"Hm? Why?" I asked
"He might be jealous" he said
"Jealous? What would he be jealous about though?" I asked
"Well, you get a lot of attention for being the youngest trainee and being very talented you know"
"I mean, I know but, I didn't think it's a lot...I never thought much about it and never thought changbin would feel jealous? But I don't think jealous is the right word to describe it" I said
"Hm? That what would it be?" He asked
"Maybe,...intimidated?" I said
He nodded his head "that makes more sense...maybe? Not sure, I'd talk to him to make sure he knows he's just as great as you are, he's an amazing rapper you know" he said I nodded my head "I'm always so surprised when he raps. He does it so fast and smoothly" I said, he nodded and we said bye and I went to find changbin. I found him in the studio.
"Changbin!" I yelled he turned around and saw me. He did a head motion asking what's up
"How are you?" I asked
"'m...fine?" He said confused
I nodded "you can continue, I just wanted to hang out alone with you today" he looked at me confused
"Why..?" He asked
I shrugged "I just want to get to know you" he nodded and turned his head back
"So, youre a rapper?" I asked he looked at me and nodded
I smiled "I wanna hear you rap! I've heard youre really good you know" he looked shocked
"Really? Who?" He asked
I nodded "the rapping coach, minho, Chris, other trainees" I said he looked shocked
He smiled a bit "I'm not the best...I'm still learning more" he said
I nodded "I want to learn to rap, but I can't really talk fast...singing and dancing is pretty much it" I said he nodded
"So, can you rap something for me?"
"Um...sure" he said a bit un sure, he rapped a verse from a song and I was shocked
"Wah...when minho and Chris said you good, I didn't know they meant this good! You're amazing changbin!" I said shocked he smiled at me
"Ah...thank you" he said shyly
"One day you should teach me to rap" I said he looked at me and nodded
"Thatd be fun! When would you wanna learn?" He asked
"Hm....not sure, one day when we're both free. But you did amazing changbin! It was so smooth! Its great! I hope I can rap one day like you" I said he got shy and looked down, he looked at me and smiled. He nodded
"I'll definitely teach you one day minjee-ah" I smiled and nodded. We talked a bit and got pretty close, that's how me and changbin got to know eachother.

Total words: 2137
(Proof read. There still may be some mistakes and/or misspellings. I apologize for that ☺️)

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