moving into the dorms

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Edited: (August 15, 2021)

I'm trying to put these in order so that the chapters won't be confusing but it's hard since there's over 100 chapters... oops

Bold in English
Normal in Korean

You and the boys had finally debuted. And it was a very special moment for all of you. Something that each K-pop group has to do, is once they debut they move in together.

You had lived with your parents when you got here, but soon they had to go back because they had work. So you lived with your grandma, but soon jyp offered to give you a one bedroom dorm as an offer. You talked about it with him and your grandma, and they had both agreed on having you live there. But now, you were going to love with all 8's kinda weird right.

You grabbed the camera and set it up on the floor as you sat in front of it

" have to move in together this morning..I'm excited" you smiled and clapped

"I'm gonna start packing clothes. I don't have much anyways. I keep them organized too so it shouldn't be hard" you explained.

You grabbed a suitcase and started organizing your stuff there

"First I'll do tshirts.." you grabbed all your tshirts which were basically oversized. (if you notice a lot of minjees clothing is oversized...not me using my insecurities in this book- LMFAO)

You started folding them.
" I should do leggings and shorts. I'm putting these at the bottom because they're the ones that take up the least space. I'll put the others on top. Those take up more" you explained. You went to your drawers and started putting your leggings and shorts next to you.

"I don't have many shorts...I don't like showing much legs, so I wear sweats or leggings the's gonna change for stages tho, many artists have to wear shorts and skirts" you said realizing you'd have to wear more revealing clothing.

"That's fine. I'll just get used to it." You smiled.
You then finished packing those so you moved onto to hoodies and sweats

"Um..I have a lot...too much..." You nervously laughed showing the camera.

Your closet was basically 20% tshirts and crop tops, and 80% hoodies.

"..oops?" You giggled
"I have to somehow fit all of these in here." You said
"I have more suitcases just in case because I don't think this will all fit in one."

You grabbed a couple sweats and hoodies before going to your suitcase. You started folding them nicely trying to get them as thin as possible to fit more things in it. You were able to put 6 hoodies and 8 sweats.

"It's really full...on these pockets I'll put other stuff. Like these" you showed the camera your glasses, bracelets, and necklaces

"I have necklaces, but I don't like to wear them while performing...they might slip off...I don't know how but that thought always scares me" you shrugged. You packed your necklaces, bracelets and glasses in the mini pockets before going to get a new one.

"This ones bigger than the last one...I'll definitely fit more" you looked at the suitcase

"Okay. I'll start with hoodies again" you smiled. You grabbed the remaining of hoodies and set them on the bed

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