Edited: (August 15, 2021)
-minjee POV-
Im in the practice room doing nothing really, I'm just sitting there coming up with dances in my head..."I wanna learn twice sunbaenims choreo" I thought in my head. I was spacing out I didn't notice Chris in the room
"HWANG. MIN. JEE!" he screamed.
I got startled and jumped "don't do that!"
"I had to! I had no option! I was calling your name but you didn't answer!" He said
"Ah..*giggles* sorry" he smiled and nodded
"Anyways, this is a new trainee! His name's hwang hyunjin!" I turned my head and saw him he smiled a bit
"Hi" he said waving a bit
I smiled back showing my eye smile and dimples "hello" I bowed
"You both have the same last name. How cool" said chan making us both smile
"I thought you two would like to hang out and dance since you both like to dance" Chris said looking at me I nodded and smiled
"Sure" I said. He grabbed hyunjins arm and dragged him a bit away from me
"She's very young, go easy on her," Chris said
Hyunjin nodded and smiled "sure hyung, I won't go hard" he said.
Chris smiled and patted his arm then walked out waving at me.
Hyunjin walked back to me and smiled
"So, you like to dance?" He asked
I nodded and smiled
"I've been dancing since I was really little" I said he nodded
"How about you?" I asked
"Ah, I like dancing and rapping, but I was never meant to try out" he said I looked at him confused
"What do you mean?" I asked
"I mean, I went shopping with my mom, and a staff member came up to me and told me I was handsome and should try out. So I did not thinking I'd make it in, but soon got a note to join" he said. I was shocked.
"Wah,, it happened unexpectedly...that's cool!" I said he smiled and nodded
"What about you?" He asked
"Ah, similar story kind of not really. I was with some friends and my friend had me sing in public. A staff came up to me and gave me a card, so I auditioned as a joke with my friends, I didn't really try, I did a choreography of exo, and did poses as a joke, and then 2 weeks later I got a note saying I was accepted, so now I'm here" I said
He was also shocked, I smiled and laughed a bit
"Wah, we have almost a similar story..." I nodded
"How old are you?" He asked
"Ah, I'm a 03' liner, I'm 13!" I said
He looked at me shocked
"03'?!?! I'm a 00' liner...wah...so young!" He said, I smiled and nodded
"I've been the youngest here for a while now..." I said
He looked at me and nodded "and you'll stay that way" I laughed and nodded "probably" I responded"
"So, what were you thinking of?" He asked
"Huh?" I asked confused
"When I walked in with hyung you were in your own little world. What were you thinking of?"
"Honestly, I dont know, I was thinking of random stuff" I said he nodded
"So, wanna learn a choreography?" He asked I nodded excitingly
"I wanna learn got7 sunbaenims song!!!" I said
He looked at me shocked
"Got7 sunbaenims? I love them! I'm a huge fan of them!" He said I nodded
"I really like them and day6! I know all of their songs!" He looked shocked
"You want to learn a dance of their song? The whole thing or the chorus?" He asked
"The whole thing!" I said he looked at me surprised
"All of it?! Isn't it too much for you?!" He asked
I shook my head "no! Why would you think that?" I asked
"Hyung told me to go easy on you because you're so young. I shook my head while smiling
"Ah,, he's always been very caring of me, but no. You can go as hard on me as you want! I promise I'll keep up!" I said he looked at me
"You sure?" He asked I nodded
"Okay then, what song?'
"Mm...lullaby? No...just right?"
He nodded "so one of those?" He asked
"Yeah! I wanna do lullaby!" I said jumping, he smiled at me showing his eye smile
"Cute, alright" he put the song and the dance practice and we tried the dance.
"Wah, it's more difficult than I thought..." I said he nodded
"Yeah,, it's alright! I'm sure we'll get it! Fighting!" He said showing little fists, I smiled and we continued. 2 hours later we got the choreo, "WE DID IT!" I said he smiled
"Should we do the whole song?" He asked, I nodded and he played it and we danced the whole song. At the end we heard clapping. We turned around and saw it was bambam, yugyeom, Chris and jinyoung.
We were both shocked and we bowed at them
"You guys did great!" Said jinyoung
"Ah- thank you!" I said bowing and so did hyunjin
They smiled "don't be formal! Just call us hyung and oppa!" We nodded and walked up to them
"Hyung, you know them?" Hyunjin asked Chris, he nodded "they're old friends of mine ever since I came here, I was there when they debuted he said. We were both shocked "wah..that's cool!" I said
They all smiled
"Hyungs! Who is this?" Yugyeom said smiling down at me
"This is minjee, introduce yourself" Chris said I nodded and bowed
"Hello! I'm Hwang minjee a trainee here at jyp! I'm a 03' liner and hope we get along! Fighting!" I said smiling. They all smiled at me
"Ahh cuteee" said bambam
"03 liner...? So..youre 13?" Said jinyoung I nodded and he looked shocked
"Wah, you're very talented at dancing" he said I smiled and bowed
"Where are you from? I noticed you have an accent?" Said bambam
"Ah, " I said nodding "I'm from Sydney Australia like chris!" I said. They looked at me shocked including hyunjin except Chris
"Australia?! You came from Australia?!" Said yugyeom I nodded
"Did you know the language?" Asked hyunjin I shook my head "I only knew the basics, so I came to Korea only knowing how to introduce myself, and say like thank you, please, goodbye, how are you etc." I said
"Wah...at such a young age" said jinyoung
"Where are your parents?" Asked yugyeom
"Ah, they're in Australia, I auditioned at a global audition as a joke but got in, so my parents came to Korea with me for a couple months, then moved back to Australia, but I lived with my grandma, now I live alone in a dorm here" I said. They looked shocked
"Wow,...how do you not burn your kitchen down?" Asked bambam
"BAMBAM!" jinyoung scolded his slapping his arm
"Ow! Hyung! It was an honest question!" Bambam said rubbing the spot where jinyoung slapped him.
I laughed and nodded "my mom left a lot of food here so I mostly only have to reheat, and Chris oppa always sneaks me out at midnight with him to eat" I said. Jinyoung looked at Chris
"Chris, you know if jyp-nim finds out you'll be scolded" he said Chris nodded
"I know hyung! But how am I supposed to let minjee eat only reheated foods?! Plus she's only 13! She should be eating healthy and a lot!" He said. Jinyoung nodded
"Okay okay you have a point"We hung out for a bit and now I'm finally friends with more idols and trainees.
Total words: 1275
(Proof read. There still may be some mistakes and/or misspellings. I apologize for that ☺️)

Stray kids 9th member
FanfictionWill you be mine?" "H-huh?" "Will you??" "What..." "Be mine?" "Will you be mine?" © leeknowknowsuknow ⚠️ CHAPTERS ARE BEING RE ORGANIZED SO STORY MIGHT BE A BIT CONFUSING. I APOLOGIZE ⚠️ Note: Do NOT take any of this seriously. all chapters, added...