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I accidentally deleted the confession guys 😀 I'm going write a whole new one and change it a bit
Edited: (September 20, 2021)
Bold in English
Normal in Korean

You were all hanging out in the dorms since you guys had a free day.

"Guys!!!" Jeongin tan up to you and Felix.

"What." You both looked up.

"There's this new movie that came out!! Lets watch it!" He said as he looked excited.

"Sure.." you shrugged, "I have nothing better to do anyways."

"Okayyy!! I'll go get ready!" Jeongin jumped as he ran to his room.

"We should go to that cafe around the corner. I heard the cake there is good." Felix said as he put chapstick on.

"Apparently their drinks too." You answered while putting on socks.

After a while you all finally left to the movie theater.

"Ill order." You said as you clicked on the screen. You clicked the option for 2 adults And 1 teenager. You clicked which movie to watch as well. You then selected the seats and your tickets were printed out.

"We have 45 minutes before the movie starts. Lets Buy snacks and sneak them in." Felix offered as you and Jeongin laughed.

You guys went to a small cafe and ate while talking. After a while you guys decided to go to the convenience store to buy snacks since the ones in the movie theaters were always expensive.

You paid and walked out.

"Minjee put these under your hoodie! They'll think your pregnant! Just go along with it!" Felix said as he stuffed the chips in your sweater.

"Yahhh!" You held your sweater down as you laughed.

Jeongin laughed watching. "Just stuff them in the hat of our sweaters and then tuck them into your sweater so they can't see."

"Wait thats smart-" you looked at Jeongin. You all laughed and did what he said.

"Ok! Lets go!!!" Felix ran.

You smiled and ran after him as Jeongin followed.

"Tickets?" The guy stopped you guys before entering. You all pulled out the tickets and showed him. He nodded and allowed you guys to pass through

You all pulled out your snacks and began eating.

-time skip-

"That was a good movie!" Jeongin stretched as he skipped down the street.

"It really was! Thanks for paying min." Felix smiled.

You nodded and put your hands into your pockets.

"Let's head home and sleep. I'm tired." Felix said as he yawned.

"How are you tired?? You woke up at 13:00!" Jeongin pointed as you laughed.

"I slept at 01!!" Felix argued back.

"Then you still slept 12 hours!" Jeongin said as Felix pouted.

You laughed watching them argue. "Yah whatever let's just go."

You guys walked back fooling around and laughing.

You put the pass for the dorms and opened the door to see Seungmin passed out on the couch while Chan and changbin ate in the kitchen. The others probably in their rooms.

You sat down next to Seungmin and scrolled through your phone on Instagram.

After a while you noticed him moving around on his sleep. You looked at him, noticing his eyebrows furrowed together.

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