First day of school

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Edited: (September 26, 2021)
Bold in English
Normal in Korean

You had been doing online school ever since you came to Korea but in English. You chose to do them online since one, you didn't know Korean so it'd be hard to go to real school, and two, it was easier for you.

But Han convinced you try out for SOPA so you can go with Hyunjin, and I.n

You tried out and got in which made all of you really happy, and today it was your first day going to SOPA.

you woke up and got ready, picking up your uniform.

You then headed to the kitchen to see everyone there already

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You then headed to the kitchen to see everyone there already

"Good morning min!!" They all greeted

You smiled at them before walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge

"Good morning" you said smiling

"Are you ready for your first day of school?" Chan asked

You looked at him shrugging your shoulders

"I don't know.." you said, everyone looked at you confused

"Why?" Minho asked

"I feel like knowing me many things will go wrong" you said giggling making them smile.

"Like what?" Jisung asked

"I don't know...I get lost? I forget money for lunch? I get bullied? I don't make any friends?" You said making a list

The boys looked at you smiling

"That's not gonna happen minjee" Hyunjin said assuring you

You smiled at him before nodding

"Wait- are WE not your friends?!" Jeongin asked making you all laughed

You all ate before you quickly ran to your room and brushed your teeth.

You ran back to the living room grabbing your backpack before heading to Jeongin and Hyunjin who were waiting.

"Let me take a picture for Instagram!" Changbin said making you all laugh

You all posed for the camera before Changbin took multiple pictures.

"Got it!" He said looking at his phone

"I feel like a parent watching their kids grow up" Felix said, wiping a fake tear, making you all laugh

"Okay! We're going Hyungs bye!" I.n said

You all said bye before leaving.

"are you scared?" Hyunjin asked

"Mm...not scared..nervous" you said. He smiled at you before you all got in the black van and jeongin started a live

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