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Since in the confessing chapter the members reactions aren't put there, many of you wanted me to write a chapter for it !
Thank you to @siriusleeridikulus for the request :)

Bold in English
Normal in Korean

For the past couple days you and Seungmin haven't told anyone about you two dating. You've both kept it lowkey but had been wanting to tell the members soon. Well, maybe Chan knows, but when he asked a while ago, you both said no.

"Alright guys go to sleep. It's late." Chan said as he cleaned the living room, glancing at the 23:06 [11:06 pm] on the clock.

"Okayyy." You all said and walked to your rooms. You decided to stay over tonight so you had walked to your shared room with Felix

"Min can I ask you something?" He asked, noticing you smiling while texting someone.

"Hm?" You looked up, "sure."

"You've been on your phone a lot... why?" He tilted his head.

"Oh... just.. emails." You nodded.

"But you also smile a lot. Why?" He walked closer to you.

"I'm just happy." You shrugged.

"Yeah but why?" He sat next to you.

"Why are you asking all these questions?" You asked, slightly hiding your phone.

"Why? Why cant I ask that?" He asked, still curious.

You shook your head. "Nothing."

"It's really nothing. The company has been busy and I've been writing more music so I guess I'm just happy to release a song?" You came up with an excuse.

"Oh..." he nodded.

- time skip -

Is Felix asleep?

Yeah. He knocked out once it hit 23:20[11:20 pm]

I see.
Wanna go to the studio with me?

Right now? It's late tho

I thought we could just hang out. I don't wanna hang out in the living room, we'll wake the others up.

I'll go get ready then.


You slowly got up from your bed, careful not to make a sound so you wouldn't wake Felix up.

You slipped on some socks and grabbed your phone.

You slowly twisted the door knob and walked to the living room carefully.

You walked to the door step where your shoes are and slipped them on before you heard someone walking. You looked up and saw Seungmin putting up his hood just like yours.

"You ready?" He asked, earning a nod from you.

He slipped on his shoe and opened the door quietly. You both then closed the door, making sure to lock it before leaving.

- time skip -

"No it should sound like this." You pressed a couple buttons. "I like the beat better."

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