Minjee and felix's family moments

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I want Olivias hand in marriage rn 🛐
Edited: (September 9, 2021)

Bold in English

Normal in Korean


You were live with Seungmin and Felix and were fooling around.

"My valentines date?" Felix read the question.

"My valentines date was my mom." He smiled cheekily. You looked at Seungmin and laughed as Seungmin chuckled at Felix.

"Your mom?" You asked as he nodded. "Cute~~" you clapped.

"My mom wanted me to get a date." He admitted. "But I said no because I'm shy."

"Stay, Felix is up for rent. Only for Valentine's Day tho. You have to return him after it's over." You said, looking at the comments in seungmins phone. Seungmin and Felix laughed.

"You can't just give me away like that!" Felix shook his head.

"Momma Lee! Is it okay if I put him up for adoption for one day?" You asked the live. Felix then got a message from his mom.

"Oh- she texted!" He laughed. Your eyes widened making them laugh harder

"His moms gonna smack you for wanting to sell his child." Seungmin warned as he patted your head.

"I'm so sorry-" your hand slapped over your mouth making Felix laugh harder.

"She said 'sure, but please get him back after the date. My son can't live 48 hours without a video game.' "

"Ah that's true!" You and Seungmin agreed laughing.


felix's little sister had posted on her Instagram story for your birthday wishing you a happy birthday.

"Minjee~~~ happy birthday!!!!! I hope the boys treat u well, if felix doesn't, I'll kick his butt!"

You were quick to see it as many people had tagged you in her comments and had texted on bubble to see her account.

You of course replied to her.

"Ahhh thank you!!!! 🥺🥺💖💖💖💖💖 the boys treated me well don't worry 🥺 I'd still like to see you kick his butt tho~~~ heheheh"

She posted it on her story yet again replying.

"I'm glad to hear that! I'll definitely kick his butt then 😎😎"


You had gone live with Felix and were making smoothies again. This time, Seungmin couldn't join because he had to record his song with Changbin.

"Okay! Today we will try to make more smoothies!" Felix explained. "Last time it didn't go so well, so I got minjee here to help me, maybe she knows more than me and Seungmin I don't know."

"I don't know anything." You shook your head.

"Well then we are doomed." He smiled at the camera.

"Okay! Let's start off by cutting the strawberries." He instructed. You nodded you head and followed his orders. Soon, you both had to now make the actual smoothies.

"Okay. One cup of water." He ran to the sink.

"Water? Why don't you use milk." You asked.

"Milk? Would that make things taste different?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I don't think so...I would make it with banana milk and strawberries." You shrugged. He followed your orders and continued to add milk.

His phone then rang that he got a notification.

Noona💖: Felix you idiot. 😭 if you add water it'll water it down. If you add milk it'll be a bit sweeter.

"Ohhhh! Milk makes it sweeter!" Felix smacked his head realizing.

"I mean yeah- water is well- watery. Milk has a flavor." You answered.

"Oops..." he showed a cheeky smile as you laughed.

"Thank you felix's older sister. He doesn't understand a lot right now, his brain cells are currently dead." You laughed.

"Yah!" Felix yelled laughing along.

He then got another notification.

Noona💖: ofc ofc sissy😎😩 anything for you 😼

He read it out loud making you both laugh.

"But I want to make smoothies not milkshakes." Felix pouted.

"...do what you want then. Ima make it with milk." You shrugged.

"OKAY WE ARE NOT A TEAM." He suddenly turned it into a competition.

"THIS IS COMPETITION!!!" You followed along before it suddenly turned chaos in the kitchen 🥲


You Felix and Seungmin were all in a room talking and enjoying time. (2 kids room + 1)

"My sisters really enjoyed watching the survival show." Felix said.

"Ah really?" Seungmin asked earning a nod from Felix.

"They said they liked it even more when they saw minjee." He laughed. "Apperantly when they saw her they ran to get popcorn and even called my mom. They were like "MUM. THERES A GIRL. THERES A GIRL. AND SHES WITH FELIX'S GROUP." "

You laughed clapping your hands. "I'm glad they enjoyed watching me fail." You took the lollipop out your mouth making them laugh.

"My younger sister kept saying how pretty you are." Felix admitted.

"Ahh really? Thank you." You winked at the camera.

"What is that?!?!" They both yelled making you laugh.

"No flirting with my sisters!!!" Felix made an X with his arms. "I don't allow this!!!"

"Would you be mad if I did flirt tho?" You asked him.

"Wha- not mad. Just- don't do it." He warned.

"Okay then that WASNT flirting with them." You clarified making Seungmin laugh.

"She was flirting but when you warned she switched." Seungmin explained.

"YAH!" Felix yelled frustrated as you and Seungmin laughed.

"Anything for your beautiful sisters~~~~~~" you jokingly sang.

"HWANG MINJEE!!" Felix yelled making you laugh. "Then can I flirt with your older sister?"

"No." You quickly stopped laughing and looked at him seriously making Seungmin and him laugh.

"Unnie doesn't like younger men." You stuck your tongue out.

"How old is she?" Seungmin asked.

"20. Her birthday is August 13 2000." You explained.

"2 days after Changbin." Seungmin said as you nodded.

"Noona~~~~ please love me~~" Felix did aegyo.

You looked at him with your mouth opened before making a disgusted face, "....eW." You looked away, arms crossed as Seungmin and Felix laughed.

Total words: 1064

(Proof read. There still may be some mistakes and/or misspellings. I apologize for that ☺️)

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