"stray kids 7? no, 9"

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Edited: (August 15, 2021)

Bold in English
Normal in Korean

After yours and minhos elimination the boys felt less lively. They didn't have minho around to say funny stories or to do funny weird dances, they didn't have you to tease, or to help when hyunjin and jisung were in arguments.
Lately it's been a mess. The boys have been feeling more down and jyp has noticed it when they perform. That's why jyp decided to do a huge decision.

Minjee POV
I was packing my things to go back home to Australia after I got eliminated. I told my parents if I got eliminated id come back home to study. So that's exactly what I'm doing. My flight is at 5 am so I have to wake up at 3 am which is why I'm packing right now.
I suddenly got a call from jyp. I answered it
"Hello?" I asked nervously
"Hello? Is this Hwang minjee?"
"Yes?" I said unsure
"Hello, this is jyp calling. I am calling to say you should come back to the company today at around 10 am. I am giving you a second chance to prove yourself minjee. I am rooting for you." Said jyp. I got shocked and couldn't answer
"Hello? Is anyone there? Minjee?" Asked jyp
"A-ah- yes. I'm-im here. Thank you! I'll make sure to be there tomorrow!" I said.
"Very well minjee. I'll see you tomorrow. Please stop by my office when you get there" he said.
"Y-yes! I'll stop by. Thank you!" I said before he ended the call. I quickly go through my contacts and call my parents
"Hello?" Said my mom answering the call
"Minjee!! How's it been sweetie? You packing alright?" She asked
"Yes! I finished packing but I need to tell you something" I said.
"What is it sweetheart?" She asked concerned
"Jyp just called...he said he's giving me a second chance! Is that okay? Please mom please?!" I asked begging I heard my mom sighing through the line
"Alright minjee. If you think you can do it. I believe in you." She said. I smiled
"Thank you mom! I won't let you down! I promise!" I said
"You never let me down minjee. Have fun okay?" She said.
I nodded only to realize she can't see me
"Okay! Thanks mom! Bye" I said.
"No problem sweetheart! Bye take care" she said.
"Thanks you too mom! Tell dad I said hello" I said
"Will do. Bye minjee" she said before handing up.
I then realized. What if minho is also coming back? If jyp gave me a new Chance, maybe he gave one to minho as well?
I called him and he picked up
"Hello?" He asked picking up the phone
"Helloo" I said all cheery. Minho giggled on the other side
"Hi minjee! What's up?" He asked
"Well I was wondering if you got a call from jyp just now?" I asked
"Oh- eung (yes) I did. Did you get one too?" He asked
"Yeah, to come back to the company?" I asked
"Yeah, me too. Do the boys know?" He asked
"M...I don't know...maybe we should surprise them!" I said.
I heard minho gasp on the other line
"Here, I'll pick you up later at 9:30 and we can go to the company together and meet the boys. Deal?" Asked minho cheery
"Yeah!! Sounds fun!!" I said happy
"Okay then. Be ready by 9:30 eat something too don't forget!" He said.
"Ahh okay! Bye bye" I said
"Bye minjee" he said before ending the call.
Wahh...I can't believe it! Just as I thought I was going to have to go back home I get to stay! I'll practice harder to debut with the boys! I won't let them down!
I wash up and go to bed thinking of the boys

~ morning ~

I woke up and the time is 7:45
Enough time I guess
I got up and ate breakfast then brushed my teeth. I took a quick shower and did my skin care routine and then put on an outfit.
I'm still young so I mostly just wear leggings, jeans, and shorts with a hoodie or oversized t shirt.
But today I chose to wear some ripped jeans and a hoodie since it was a bit cold outside. I put on some deodorant and I put my hair down and brushed it out.
I got my bag and put some sweatpants and a tank top in it. I put 3 water bottles in it for when I practice and put an apple in it because...I don't know. Health?

Just then I heard a honk outside. I looked out the window and saw it was minhos car.
I smiled and got my back and ran out the door.
I got to his car and opened the door sitting down
"Hey minjee!" He said smiling. I smiled back putting my bag in the back along with his.
"Hi!" I said back
"Are you excited?" He asked
I nodded fast
"Yes! I can't wait!" I said stomping my feet on the cars floor. Minho smiled at me seeing me act like a little kid. He ruffled my hair and continued to drive
We kept talking while driving and once we got to the building I took my bag from the back as minho did the same and we walked towards jyps office
We knocked on it hearing a "come in" muffle from the other side
We walked in and bowed
"Hello" we both said bowing
Jyp bowed back saying hello as well
"So, I called you both in here today. To give you two another chance. I believe you have the potential to do it. I can see it in you. Practice extra hard to show me what you got okay?" He said. Me and minho smiled and nodded saying yes. Jyp smiled at us and walked towards the door.
He walked us to stray kids practice room.
"Here they are! I haven't told them as well." He said. Me and minho smiled and nodded. We bowed at him and said thank you as he smiled and left leaving a staff with us. The staff opened the door for Minho only letting himself be seen.
When the boys saw him they all cheered
"HYUNG!!!" said the younger ones
Minho laughed and hugged them
"YOURE BACK!!!!" they said.
Minho nodded and smiled
"Is...is minjee not coming back too?..." Asked hyunjin
"Ah...we got so happy to see hyung we forgot about minjee..." Said jeongin
"Yah...it's okay, we have hyung back...maybe minjee will come back a next day?" Said seungmin.
The boys all agreed but sadly.
Just then the staff knocked on the door opening it slightly.
All the boys looked over at the door confused. The staff walked in with me

"Boys, minjee and minho are now apart of the group again. Stray kids will perform back on the survival show as 9" said the staff before leaving. The room was silent until Felix came up to me and hugged me.
"I missed you" he said
"I missed you too mate" i said
Felix pulled away from the hug and smiled at me
The boys looked at me and minho and brought us into a group hug
Me and minho hugged them back.
After a bit they pulled back
Me and minho smiled back at him
"We missed you too" we said at the same time
The boys smiled back at us
"So, how's it been" asked Chris
"Um...it's been...fine? I guess" said minho. I nodded my head
"I was getting ready to go back to Australia actually" I said
The boys looked at me shocked
"Really?! You weren't even going to try out for a new company?" Asked jisung
I shook my head
"I promised my mom and dad that if I got eliminated id go back to Australia and continue my studies. " I said

The boys nodded
"Well. C'mon let's keep practicing hm?" Chris said
Me and minho smiled and nodded and got up
We stretched end continued to practice
Finally we had our solo shots
"I was very surprised JYP-nim decided to call me back...I'm thankful for it though...he gave me opportunity to be with the boys and I'm very thankful for that. So..thank you pd-nim" I said giggling at the end clapping a bit.
"I'll try my hardest to debut with the boys and show you guys that I am capable of doing it. Stray kids, fighting" I said smiling
"I'm very shocked I was able to come back with the members...but I'm happy. I'll try my hardest and I will show that I have what it takes to debut. Stray kids fighting!" Said minho

"Wahh...I honestly never thought theyd come back...once pd-nim makes up his mind it's hard to change it. If he eliminates someone then it feels like they're never coming back....so for minjee and minho to come back...it made me really happy to see pd-nim change his mind. Stray kids 7...? No...9. I'll keep them as 9 this time...I promise" said Chris smiling.

Total words: 1552
(Proof read. There still may be some mistakes and/or misspellings. I apologize for that ☺️)

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