meeting the members pt7. (seungmin)

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Edited: (August 14, 2021)

seungmin POV
Recently I've been hearing a lot about this minjee girl, apperantly she's 3 years younger than me and can sing and dance. Everyone says shes the best at dancing. I myself haven't seen her dance, I haven't seen her at all in general. I've been trying to see if I can find her but I can't.
Minjee POV
Since I'm doing online school and learning Korean at the same time, I can't really ask my teachers for books for lessons. So I have to buy them myself or check them out with the help of minho. Today I was going to have a lesson with minho so I decided to go to the library with him to check out some Korean books to help.
"Minjee-ah! Cmon! The library closes in 3 hours and I know how long it takes you to pick out a book!" Minho yelled
"I'm coming jeez!" I said putting on my shoes. I walk out the door.
"What books were you thinking of getting?" He asked
"I don't know..maybe some books on the difference in formalities because I seem to mix up when I can be polite and when I can't..." I said, minho nodded
"It isn't that hard to learn formalities though, after you start learning it you just audimatically know when to be formal, and when it's okay to not be" he said. I nodded. We kept talking and walked to the library.
"Go pick out some books, I'll look for some for other lessons okay?" He said. I nodded and walked to the section I normally get them. I start looking for books, It wasn't for teaching Korean, but just a book that seemed interesting. I was going to get it when a bigger hand got it.
I turned around and saw an older boy
"Oh- I'm sorry" I said bowing
He smiled "it's okay..I should've seen you, here you go." He said handing me the book. I took the book and bowed. "Thank you" I said
He smiled and nodded. I kept looking for a book when I found one that teaches Korean. I smiled at it and got it, I tried reading the title but reading is one of my weakness's.
"Hangul...learning text book...pronouns?" I whispered reading it. I got confused reading it..."aish..." I said trying to read it again.
"Hangul learning text book. Korean learning book, teaches you pronouns, slangs, formalities, etc." The boy next to me said. I looked at him shocked.
"Ahh" I nodded "thank you" I continued.
"No problem" he said and smiled. I took the book into my hands.
"You learning Korean?" He asked. I nodded.
"I'm from Australia and my friend has been teaching me Korean" I said.
"Ahh" he said and nodded "your Koreans very good so far" he said. I smiled and bowed "thank you" he smiled and continued looking for a book. Just then minho came
"minjee-ah! I found these that may help y- oh- hi seungmin" minho said when he noticed they boy
Seungmin bowed "hi hyung" he said. I got confused....his name's does minho know him?
"What are you doing here?" Asked minho
"Ah, I'm looking for a book my teacher assigned for me. " He said
Minho nodded
"That's good" he said. Seungmin nodded.
"You guys met?" Minho asked
"Oh- seungmin helped me read the book title.." I said.
"Aish, how many times have I told you minjee, piece one and one together and you'll be able to read it" he said
"Ne...I know...but, it's still hard..." I said
"Don't go too hard on her hyung, she's still learning, plus she looks really young" seungmin he said. Minho nodded.
"Alright alright. What books so you have minjee?" He said
I showed him the books.
"I got these" he looks at them
"Ahh, those are good. Why that one?" He points to the one I chose first, the one both me and seungmin went for.
I shrugged
"It seemed interesting so I got it" I said. He smiled and nodded
"You ready to check out?" I looked at the books
"Mmm..can I look for one more book" I gave him doggy eyes, he looked at me and his eyes softened, he nodded and I smiled. I jumped once and kept looking for a book.
" old is she?" Seungmin asked
"13" minho said.
"Ah..." Seungmin nodded "is that the minjee people are talking about at the company?" He continued
"Eung" (yes)
"Why?" Asked minho. Seungmin shook his head.
"Nothing, I was just wondering" he said. Minho nodded and I came back with another book which teaches you numbers and grammar.
"I got this one! Look" I showed it to him. He smiled and nodded. "So you done?" He asked. I nodded my head.
"Alright c'mon, bye seungmin" minho said
"Bye seungmin! Thanks for helping me read the book by the way" I said and smiled. He nodded and smiled and waved at us "bye hyung, bye minjee-ah". I waved at him and we went to check out.
"How do you know him?" I asked.
"He's a trainee at JYP, I met him in singing class" minho said
"He's a trainee?! Really?" I asked shocked
He nodded "mm...he does singing " he said. I nodded my head. "I can't wait to see him around" I said. Minho smiled and nodded.
We went back to the dorm and Continued studying.
Seungmin POV that's minjee...shes cute...wait- that sounds weird since she's only 13 and I'm 16...ew. I sound like a creep- aish seungmin, just- SHUT UP. aigo...I only just met her and I like her? No I don't, that's weird. I mean- like I said. She's only 13- I sound like a P3do- I should just shut up- whatever. I'll see her around the comopany right?...whatever shes still cute hehe...
Minjee POV
Ever since I met that seungmin kid ive been wanting to hang out with him, he seems fun.
I was in the vocal room with jisung and Minho laughing our heads of because jisung cracked up a joke and me and minho lost it.
"A-ah- i- let m breath-" I said while laughing. Minho and jisung laughs even more while clapping.
"Y-yah she's gonna di-" said minho jisung and Me laughed even harder
"Hope it's fast and painless" I said while laughing making them laugh even more
"Y-yah stop- pFFT-" jisung couldnt even finish his sentence. We were laughing so hard we didn't notice someone walking in. That was until minho saw him and calmed down
"O-oh h-i " he said calming down.
I was laughing but not as hard. I then saw seungmin standing there
"O-oh..h-hi seung-min- YAH STOP MAKING ME LAUGH HAN JISUNG" I said as I was looking at joung trying to hold in his laugh making jisung laugh even harder and minho laugh.
"I DONT CARE. STOP MAKING ME L-LAUGH-" I said and seungmin giggled.
"WELL ITS NOT MY FAULT THAT YOURE A WHOLE CLOWN MAKING ME LAUGH" I said making seungmin chuckle and jisung laugh.
"Aish, what am I gonna do with you two" said minho shaking his head
"But you love us" me and jisung said poking our cheeks.
Minho made a disgusted look so I pouted and when he saw that his eyes softened and he smiled "I'm joking, yes I do. Now this is seungmin, jisung seungmin, seungmin jisung" minho said introducing them to eachother.
"Oh- hello" said seungmin bowing.
"Hi" jisung said bowing back waving a bit at him.
They smiled and seungmin sat next to me
"What were you guys doing?" He asked
"Oh- just talking. Jisung said something funny and we kept laughing. That's basically it.." I said. Seungmin smiled and nodded
"Oh- yah, I gotta go I have to hang out with chan hyung today" said jisung. Minho nodded and waved and then got up too
"Where are you going?" I asked him
"I have vocal classes today plus Felix asked me if I could do a lesson today. Also. You're boring" he said teasingly
"Yah- leave." I said pointing to the door. He laughed and ruffled my hair
"I'm kidding. I have to go to the library with Felix too" he said.
"Ah" I said nodding
"Bye bye" I said waving at him. He smiled and waved at me too
"Bye seungmin" he said.
"Bye hyung!" Seungmin said back and minho left with jisung leaving me with seungmin alone.
"So. What were you guys doing besides talking?" He asked
I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know...actually I do. We wanted to get away from Chris because he got mad and it's scary" I said. Seungmin laughed
"Why is hyung mad though" he asked
"Jisung and hyunjin got into some stupid fight again" I said.
" they not like eachother?" He asked.
"Mm," I said nodding
"They always fight over the dumbest things. He also got mad because me and minho kept laughing in the back" I continued. Seungmin laughed and shook his head
"Yah. Don't laugh when they fight" said seungmin seriously. I looked at him shocked.
"Im joking, I don't even know who hyunjin is" he said laughing. I laughed and shook my head.
" scared me for a second" I said.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because I've never seen you mad." I said.
"Ah" he said nodding
"Don't worry. I don't get mad easily" he said.
I nodded. "How long have you been w trainee here for?" I asked.
"Oh- um...about...3 weeks now?" He said
"Ahh...that explains why I haven't seen you a lot" I said
"Mm, that and I usually train on the 4th floor" he said
"Fourth floor? Isn't that for advanced?" I asked and he nodded.
"You're in advanced training?" I asked shocked
"Advanced singing. Yah why are you so surprised" he said.
I laughed "no no, I just never met someone in advanced" I said.
"Ahh" he said nodding.
"What floor do you train at?" He asked.
"I usually train on the second one but I have a few classes in the third" I said.
"Ahh, second floor? Isn't that...for younger ones? Right?" He asked
I nodded "since I'm still a student and a trainee jyp said I should be on the second floor even if I'm doing online because of the building rules and also because I can't be in the third floor like jisung and them also because I'm still only 13" I said.
"Ahh that makes more sense" he said. I nodded
"Are you hungry?" Seungmin asked. I looked at him and nodded and looked at the clock on the wall
"Yeah,..I haven't eaten since 8 am" I said.
"Minjee it's 7 pm?!" He said. I nodded
"I know...but I've been training the whole day and then after I finished I had to hang out with jisung and minho and I didn't want to tell them I'm hungry so I just stayed quiet. That and Im also on a diet" I said.
"You're on a diet?? For what you're like 4 and skinny-" he said.
I laughed
"My cheeks have been getting puffier and jyp said that if i go on a diet that won't happen anymore.." I said
"Your cheeks? But- that's a normal thing- he can't get rid of that" he said.
I shrugged "I don't know...whatever. let's go eatttt" I said standing up. He laughed and got up too.
"Let's go~" he said and we made our way to the jyp cafeteria where we hung out and ate.
But that's how I met him, I didn't really know him much at first other than "the kid from the library" but we both were trainees. Coincidence huh. I know....but it's better that I know him now.

Total words: 2018
(Proof read. There still may be some mistakes and/or misspellings. I apologize for that ☺️)

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