minhoXminjee moments

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To that one guy that made room for me in a class bc I was squished against another guy in the corner and then slightly tapped my arm and pointed to the spot next to him, then moved away when I was there so I wouldn't feel uncomfortable.... Thank you have a cupcake 🧁
Also to that one girl who pulled my pinky (😭😞 it was so cute wish y'all saw it😭) when she noticed a kid stand next to me eyeing me up and down and made me stand with me and her friend even tho I don't know them and then asked if I was okay then continued to go off at the kid... thank you have a cupcake 🧁

Edited: (August 30, 2021)
Bold in English
Normal in Korean

*Fan call*
"If you could chose a member to be your guardian angel who would it be?" The fan asked. Minho thought about it for a second before answering

"Min!" He answered
"Seungmin or minjee?" The fan asked for clarification

"Minjee" he corrected himself
"Why?" The fan asked

"Minjees already an angel, it wouldn't be any different" he shrugged smiling making the fan smile and nod

You guys were at a concert and it had started raining, not much but just a bit. The boys all had blazers but you didnt, you didn't really mind since it was only a bit of water. At end of the concert it started raining harder making you use your hand to cover your head to block water even tho it wasn't helpful at all.

You guys were all walking around talking to fans waving at them.
You crouched down at the end of the stage to talk to fans as they all cheered. You smile and waved at them when all of a sudden you felt no water.
You looked up and noticed minho covering you with his blazer while smiling at you.

You smiled back and grabbed the blazer keeping it on your head. You got up and looked at him

"What about you?" You asked
"I'm alright" he answered shaking his head. In reality he was freezing and the water didn't help. He walked away and continued to talk to fans. You noticed his small shivers and immediately felt bad for taking his blazer. You ran to him and covered him standing closely next to him

"Hm?" He asked looking at you
"We don't wanna get sick" you answered. He smiled and continued talking to fans as for the rest of the last few minutes of the concert you guys walked together to cover eachother up


You and the boys had an interview in Music core
You were standing next to minho on the edge of the steps.

You were wearing heels which made it a bit uncomfortable for you but you were alright.
You took a step back and minho had thought you were slipping so he quickly turned to you and grabbed your hand

You looked up confused and he noticed you had just stepped back making him giggle
"I thought you fell" he said laughing making you laugh as well

For the rest of the interview you both tried not to laugh making the boys confused on why you both were laughing

You and the boys were on an episode of weekly idol and after dancing to back door you all went back to sitting

Minho noticed your shoe had come undone and the laces were untangled
He went down on a knee catching all of your guys attention

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