meeting the members pt2.(minho)

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Edited: (August 15, 2021)

-minjee POV-

"Minjee-ah!" I turn around and saw Chris walking towards me smiling.
"hey! What's up?" I asked smiling back. "So, you've been telling me how you want to learn Korean more right?"
I looked at him confused "..yeah..? Why?" He looked at me and smiled "I can help you learn!" I gave an excited look "really?! How??"
"I have a friend that I was talking to, and I told him how you don't really know korean, so he recommended he teaches you!"
I smiled at him "really?! That's great! Who?"
"His name's Lee minho! He also sings and dances, he's a trainee here!" He responded
"Oh- that's cool! When do I get to meet him?" I asked
"I can go get him actually, he's in the other room doing a dance for fun"
"For fun?"
"Yeah, he really likes dancing, maybe you two can get really close!"
"Maybe, we might be able to like come up with a dance!"
"Wow, powerful dancers"
I giggled and nodded
"I'll go get him hold on okay?" I nodded and chan left the room. I was excited knowing I was gonna get to learn Korean, yeah I can speak it, but not really, I don't even actually know what people are saying, I only piece a couple words together until it makes sense and answer in broken korean. I wonder who this minho kid is, Chris said he sings and should be fun hanging out with him if we get close. I'll see i guess. Chris walked in with a boy behind him.
"Minjee! This is minho!" I looked at the kid and smiled, I waved to him and he waved back
"He only speaks Korean minjee"
"Ahh..." I nodded and smiled, I introduced myself in Korean.
"Hello! I'm minjee, nice to meet you" I smiled and stuck my hand out
"Hello! I'm minho! Nice meeting you too! Your Korean is already pretty good!" He said as he stuck his hand out shaking it. I smiled at him only understanding
"hello I'm minho nice meeting you", "Korean" and "good" I'm guessing he said my Korean is good??
"He said my Korean is good ....right?" I asked turning to Chris. Chris smiled and nodded.
"Well, since you two now know eachother, I'll leave you guys to it. Have fun!"
"Bye!" I waved at him
"Bye hyung!" Minho said back. So he's younger ...he still looks older than me, but not very old. He turned to me and smiled,
"So, how old are you?" He asked. I understood that because I know a bit of Korean. I responded with what I know in Korean.
"Ah...I'm a 03' liner" he looked shocked
"03' liner?! Wah...your only....13?!"
I didn't understand what he said so I tilted my head at his words
"" He couldn't find the right he showed me with his hands, he did 10 fingers and then 3, I guess he asked if I was only 13. I nodded at him
"Wah...I feel old ..." He said scratching the back of his neck.
"Ah, don't say that...." I said awkwardly.
"So, you need help with your Korean?" He asked, I got confused again and he chuckled a bit
"I'm sorry...I only know the basics...." I said
"It's okay! What do you already know?"
"Mm...hello, goodbye, thank you, how are you, and some words to help with talking"
"Ah, so you know a decent amount just don't know how to piece it"
"Uhh...I...know Korean but...can't...say it together? Right?" I asked rephrasing what he said making sure I'm right, He nodded and smiled.
", I guess first we'll start with learning-" he continued teaching me and after a couple weeks, we became pretty close, me minho and Chris would all hang out together and we became all best friends. I still lack in Korean, but minho is a pretty good teacher and he taught me very well, he was always patient with me when I said something wrong, he would joke sometimes to make it fun as well so it wasn't as boring as it seems.
~1 month later~
"Okay minjee, you ready for your next lesson?" I nodded and smiled.
"Okay, so today, I'm just going to have conversations with you. I'm also going to give you a fill in the blanks paper and you have to make sure you get the right words, you're also going to translate words/sentences, Okay?" I nodded and he sat next to me
"Alright, so let's start with basics. First let's do informal okay? Hello, I'm minho, nice to meet you"
"Hello I'm minjee, nice meeting you too" I said the informal way
"How are you doing today?" He asked
"Im good! Thank you for asking, how are you?" I responded. He smiled and nodded
"I'm doing good too! I have to go bye!" He said
"Oh! Okay! Nice seeing you! Bye!" He smiled
"That was good minjee! Now let's do formal" he said and I nodded
"Hello! I'm minho nice to meet you!" He said in the formal way. We did that for the rest of the day, translating things from informal, to formal, English to Korean, Korean to English, and fill in the blanks. At the end of the night we were both very tired.
But that's how me and minho met and we still have Korean lessons when we have time, and if we don't have time to do it together I do it alone with my Korean book that he actually gave me as a present. Like I said earlier, me, minho and Chris got very close, we would always hang out together in the practice room and jyp would always smile at us. Minhos a really funny person and has a 4d personality, I think that's why I started to have one too.
That's how me and minhos friendship began, him as my Korean teacher.

Total words: 1004
(Proof read. There still may be some mistakes and/or misspellings. I apologize for that ☺️)

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