Family moments

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Just to be clear, these are moments AFTER the disbandment ^^

Also. I accidentally added this person on snap and turns out they're literally my age and they go to a school not far. That scared the crap out of me 😭💀💀

Bold in English
Normal in Korean


Yesterday you and Seungmin decided it'd be fun to take Hyunjae on a small picnic near a pond. Hyunjae always liked going there and feeding the ducks, so you thought to go there for a picnic.

"Cmon Hyunnie." You sang as you helped him off the bed. He was still only 3 so he was small.

"Let's go!" He laughed as he ran to seungmin.

You smiled and walked after him.

"Got his bag?" You asked, fixing your hair.

Seungmin who had all the bags nodded. "Let's go?"

You nodded and held Hyunjaes hand to the car.

"Hyunnie what's today?" Seungmin asked.

".....wesday??..." he tilted his head unsure, saying Wednesday wrong.

You smiled and nodded. "Right. So what do we do on Wednesdays??"

"English!" He gasped as you giggled.

"Right!" You clapped. You and Seungmin had made up this plan to get him to learn both Korean and English. Mondays, Wednesday, you guys spoke English. Tuesday and Thursday you guys spoke Korean. Saturday you guys speak Japanese. And on Sunday he gets to choose what language he wants to speak in. When he speaks English he has a small Australian accent that he picked up from you when learning English.

"Mommy." Hyunjae spoke up after a while

"Yes?" You looked up at him through the mirror.

"When we there do we have food for duck?" He asked in broken English

"Food for the duck??" Seungmin asked as Hyunjae nodded. "Bread?"

Hyunjae nodded once again.

"We have it here." You pointed to the bag.

"Ohhh" he nodded as you and Seungmin smiled.

After a while, you guys arrived at the small park.

"Let's go!" You sang as you unbuckled Hyunjae. He laughed and clapped as he jumped off the car. "Give me your hand because it's dangerous."

He held onto your hand with his tiny one while walking to the grass.

- time skip -

"Hyun come eat!" Seungmin said as Hyunjae was playing with his toys.

He looked up and ran to you guys before throwing himself on you.

"Oh-" you groaned as you picked him up and sat him on your lap while Seungmin laughed.

"Here." You gave him his small container of food.

"Thank you mama." He giggled as he began eating. You smiled and ruffled his hair, "of course baby."

After a bit of talking, someone walked up to you guys.

"Excuse me... are you Minjee and Seungmin?" She asked.

You guys nodded in response.

"Oh my god!" She gasped as you and Seungmin laughed. "It's been so long since stray kids! Is this your child?"

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