Highschool graduation

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"Hi stay!" You smiled at the camera. "Today's my graduation!!" You clapped. "Ahh I'm so excitedddd."

You laughed before setting down the camera. "I'll start getting ready nowww."

"I already ate earlier so I wouldn't have to worry about getting my uniform dirtied." You explained.

"Ever since I got curtain bangs I've really liked them, but I need to use these every time I get ready now." You explained, grabbing hair rollers. You put one on and rolled it up.

"First ill put my contacts in. I got these colored ones that I thought would be really cool to wear on my graduation day." You explained as you put them in. "There we go." You showed the camera your eyes.

You began doing your makeup. First foundation, a little bit of concealer, did your eyebrows, nose contour, blush, highlight, and lip tint.

"I thought I'd go for a new makeup look... hopefully it comes out well." You said, grabbing eyeshadow palettes and brushes.

You started applying colors onto your eyes before smiling. "Like this. It's good. Right stay?" You showed the camera. "I'll do eyeliner now." You said, applying it.

(Imagine it with eyeliner too

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(Imagine it with eyeliner too.)

"Okay done." You smiled. "I'm a little sad I won't graduate with my friends... I always thought I'll be graduating with them at Australia at home but I guess not..." you said, putting back everything where it belongs. "I'm sad because of that." You smiled.

"Okay. My uniform now." You said, taking it off the hook. "I'll put this on."

You put on your uniform, along with your socks. "Done." You smiled. "I'll do my hair next." You said, grabbing your straightener.

You straightened pieces that were wavy before grabbing a hair curler. You waved your pieces and smiled, "it looks good I think." You nodded.

You unrolled your hair rolls and gently placed them with your hands where you wanted them to be.

"Ahh I'm excited." You laughed, unplugging the hair straightener and curler.

You grabbed your backpack and went downstairs. "I'll be leaving now stay, bye bye." You waved at the camera.

-time skip-

Some students at your school actually have YouTube channels so they were filming their classes and laughing with friends.

"Minjee-ah." A girl named sebin walked up to you. You have class with her and she's a YouTube. You looked up from your notebook at her.

"Hm?" You tilted your head.

"Here you go. We brought snacks for everyone." She smiled, handing you a bag of chips.

You gasped, taking them from her. "Thank you~" you smiled.

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