What's in Minjees Bag?

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I watched all of Treasures whats in my bag as trainees so now I wanted to do this with Minjee 😃

Plz now that more kpop idols are doing reading thirst tweets I wanna do it with "minjee" 😭
Edited: (October 8, 2021)
Bold in English
Normal in Korean

"Hello." You bowed at the camera, "I'm Stray kids Minjee and I'll be showing what's in my bag. This is my school bag. It's very big since I have to carry a lot of things...I didn't take anything out. I brought it right back from school."

"Uh...first...this is my pencil case." You took out your pencil case from your backpack. "I use it since I have many books and studies to do. So..yeah...inside I have highlighters...pencils...pens...and...lip..balm?" You tilted your head taking out the lipbalm. "I use this when my lips get dry. My lips get pretty dry especially in the cold. So I use this after exfoliating."

"Why is that in your pencil case?" The staff asked.

"Uh....don't know." You shrugged, causing the staff to laugh. "Why are you laughing?!" You asked, making them laugh harder.

"Next. This is my diary. I haven't written in it in a while...last time I wrote was in.." you checked. "Pfft- September 13 2020." You read the date while laughing. "I didn't write in it every day. I did it only when something good happened or something bad happened."

"Then, I have...oh! Exfoliater." You took it out. "Like I said earlier. My lips get very dry. So I use this exfoliater and then apply chapstick." You explained

"Then...sweatpants." You took out two pairs. "I use these for when I have to practice or when I have dance class in school. I like to wear loose clothing when practicing obviously....so yeah."

"I also have this tshirt and pair of shorts since now a days it's getting warmer outside. So when I dance it gets very warm, so I use these shorts and this big tshirt that is actually Felix's." You explained, holding in your laugh at the end.

"I have this card...my teacher at school gave it to me. It was for my birthday. It's cool. When I open it-" you opened the card, making it sing the spongebob square pants "best day ever" song. "It plays spongebob." You giggled. "I really like spongebob so..." you nodded at the end.

"I have this Korean book. I still study Korean since some words I don't know, I sometimes get grammar wrong but that's rare. So I study this, and then...I use this notebook to write things down." You showed, taking out another notebook.

"Then....oh- this....I can't show." You giggled. "Classified..." you turned slightly red.

"Why? What is it?" The staff asked.

"Ummm....this, it's girl things." You answered.

"Ahhh." They nodded their heads.

"Mmm...I have this." You took out AirPods. "I've lost like- 2 pairs now. So these Seungmin got them for me. He strapped it to this strap that inside the bag so I can't loose it." You giggled, showing the strap.

"Then. chocolate." You took out a small bar of chocolate

"I like having something to snack on. Especially in school. So I take this." You explained.

" I also carry around these." You took out a container with utensils. "Inside, I have chopsticks, a spoon, and a fork. They're cute right?"

"I really like perfumes and smelling nice...obviously. So I have these." You took out 3 perfumes and 2 lotions. "These two match up," you showed two pairs of perfumes with a lotion. "And then this perfume has no match. I don't like mixing and matching perfumes and lotions because then they'll make a weird smell. So instead, I buy the lotion and the perfume of this." You explained.

"Then...deodorant." You giggled, taking it out. "I put this on whenever I feel...sweaty...obviously" You explained.

"Then, this. A toothbrush and toothpaste, with floss." You took them out. "Since I use to have braces I always carried these. In school after eating I'd brush my teeth because food can get stuck very easily on them. Especially jellies, breads, meat etc. so I take this with. I still brush my teeth after eating even if I don't have braces." You explained.

"Then...cough drops." You took a small pack out. "I sometimes get soar throats from having to practice and sing all day. So I take these." You explained. "I also have these vitamins. Vitamin C packets..these...these...and this one." You took out a bunch of vitamins and powders. "Honestly, I'm surprised I haven't gone to jail for mistakening these for drugs..." you chuckled.

"Then I have my contact case and a small bottle of contact solution." You took them out. "Sometimes my contacts will get dry. And when contacts get dry they hurt a lot. So I take this case so I can put them in and then wash it with this solution." You explained.

"Then, glasses." You smiled. "Uh...sometimes if I get tired of wearing contacts or if I'm just lazy and don't want to put them in, I just put these on." You explained. "It's rare for me to put these on though." You explained

"I have my wallet as well. In school if there's some food that I have to pay for, I have my wallet with me at all times." You explained. "Then...my ID. This is my ID for school. It has my picture too. Look." You showed the camera as you laughed.

"I have this plushie that Jeongin gave me." You took out a small duck. "It's cute right?"

"Then I have all my school books. My math one, science, history, writing, and vocal. My vocal one has a bunch of just notes and lyrics that I have to sing in class." You explained

"That's all I think." You said, shaking it. Suddenly, a pack of pills pell. "Ah...these...my mom gave them to me." You explained, picking them up. "I'm taking them. I promise." You nervously chuckled, setting them down. "That's a good excuse..." you smiled cheekily at the camera.

"That's all I have in my bag...I hope you guys enjoyed watching this. Bye bye." You waved at the camera.

Total words: 1075

(Proof read. There still may be some mistakes and/or misspellings. I apologize for that☺️)

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