2 kids room - jisung

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Edited: (August 27, 2021)

Bold in English
Normal in Korean

You were sitting on the couch looking around the room wondering who would be next.

The door cracked open and you turned to look who it was. You noticed a small squirrel in the door way popping his head in.

"Hi" he said making you giggle. You waved at him as he came over and sat next to you

"Remember in trainee days when everyone thought you hated them because you had that resting face that always made you look mad" he laughed

"YEAH!!" you laughed, nodding.

"Why did you always look mad anyways?" He asked

You laughed
"I wasn't mad. It takes a lot to get me mad. I just would take training serious since I really wanted to debut. And I couldn't do anything about my face! That was my resting face!!" You explained looking at him.
He laughed at your expression before nodding
"You just have a resting ...." He said before cutting himself off

"What?" You asked
"I can't say it here" he shook his head.

"Oh- I think I know what you mean" you said

You leaned closer to him gesturing to whisper it
"Resting bitch face" he whispered making you laugh.
You nodded your head while laughing
"I still do!!" You pointed at your face

"But now you smile a lot more" he said getting a nod in response from you

"I smile more nowadays because I look mad when I don't. And I knew people didn't want to talk to me in trainee days because I looked mad, so I made a promise to myself when we debuted, don't stop smiling because people might stop talking to you. That was my biggest problem. To always smile because I didn't want it to be like trainee days again." You explained as jisung nodded his head

"You thought we would stop talking to you?" He asked looking at you

"Mmm...maybe not you guys, just...people in general. I think just being forgotten is my biggest worry...like waking up and one day everyone suddenly forgets who you are...like that's scary" you continued, looking at him as he nodded

He took a lollipop and took it into his mouth
"I understand. That's why I make sure I'm always making jokes to make sure everyone always laughs"

"...yeah but sometimes your jokes suck." You said looking at him.

He looked up at you shocked
"You always laugh at them tho!" He pointed at you

"Because no one else does!! How am I gonna leave you hanging like that?!" You said making him laugh

"Ah okay okay. Thanks" he held up a fist, you fist bumped him and continued to reach for a lollipop

"You know, in trainee days I felt so embarassed to be with you" he commented.

"Hm? Me? Why? I was literally 13" you said laughing making him laugh as well

"I know but, because when we first met. You didn't know korean so I thought you did. So when I started speaking in korean you answered so I was like oh she knows korean. Cool. But then after I said like 2 sentences you looked at me and went
'..... I'm sorry, I don't know korean' so I was like oh- and then I felt embarassed Everytime I saw you because I was thinking like 'aishhh I embarassed myself in front of her. Now she knows me as the boy who tried talking to her in korean' " he said making you laugh

You shook your head
"I never thought of you like that. I found it cute how you tried talking to me but you didn't know I didn't understand Korean " you said making him laugh

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