professional on stage moments

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When I tell you I almost passed out asking a guy for his snap💀
Edited: (August 28, 2021)
Bold in English
Normal in Korean

While performing you were wearing a red skirt. It has suspenders on it.

Your top was a white small tank top and you had a buttoned up crop top over it

While performing you noticed your buttons had come undone making the boys all look at you

You looked down realizing but conitued to dance. You guessed the stylists didn't button it up correctly so it came undone. You weren't mad since stuff like this obviously happens once in a while.
You continued dancing and in one part of the dance you had to turn around. You quickly buttoned it up but there were seats for fans also in that direction so it didn't really matter where you buttoned it up.

You quickly buttoned them up as fans giggled at you causing you to look at them and smile widely.
You continued performing with no problem at all

While you guys were performing you had a white crop top and overalls that had shorts. The straps were a bit lose on you so everyone in a while it did fall but you'd quickly put them up.

There was a move you had to do which made the straps completely fall off your shoulder causing you to look down quickly.

You realized and just left it there not really caring. The overalls wouldn't fall since it did have a zipper and it fit you nicely, the only thing was the straps so it wasn't a problem.

Once your part was done you slipped them back on and continued with the show

You and the boys were at an awards show where there were obviously other idols

You guys had a dance break where you guys had to put on blindfolds so you obviously couldn't see
It made you a bit nervous but you didn't mind that much

While dancing you felt the blindfold start to loosen up. You got nervous knowing it will slip any moment if you moved your head. But in the dance you had to move your head which made you scared.

Your members couldn't help you either because they also couldn't see
It was in the middle of an award show too which made you shake more thinking it'd be over for you.

Then it happened,
It slipped off your face dropping on the floor.
You opened your eyes looking down noticing it right in front of you

You quickly grabbed it and hid it behind your back
You knew people were looking at you since you were the only one without one.

There was this move where you lift your arms behind your head so you knew there would be the perfect time to quickly tie it.

You lifted your arms and tied it around your head securing it making sure it was tight before continuing with the dance.

Tonight you and the boys were performing get cool at an award show

Before going on stage you heard chan mention his mic wasn't properly working. You told him to tell the staff but he said it was okay because they would only need to perform for a short amount of time.

The boys and you all tried telling him but he shook his head saying it's okay.

You guys got in position and started dancing. While it was Chan's part you could barely hear him.
The others and you looked at eachother nervously knowing it was noticable since your mics were turned on very high and his was barely there
You quickly did backup vocals for him whole dancing to help him out and make it at least hearable for stays and other idols. Once you all finished you went back stage and you looked at chan

"We told you to tell them" you scolded him
He nervously scratched the back of his head
"I know...but I thought it wouldn't be much of a problem..." He said looking down

You and the boys shook your head chucking at the oldest behaviour
"Next time tell them okay? I thought someone would say something" you said laughing

He smiled while nodding his head in agreement
"Don't worry min I will" he said

Today you and the boys were having a concert.
It was your guys' first time performing in that place so you were all pretty nervous. You knew it'd be the same as performing in korea, but still, the thought of a new area, new fans, new arena was scary. You didn't know if fans there would have different thoughts on you guys or if they would expect more from you guys so it was kinda scary.

While performing your palms started to get sweaty since it was pretty hot there.

You continued dancing but while dancing you accidentally dropped your mic

You flinched as it made a pretty loud noise catching everyone's attention

It didn't fall next to you though, it fell feet away from you.
You got nervous knowing EVERYONES attention had gone to you

You pressed your lips into a thin line but continued dancing

At one point you had to switch positions which was pretty close to where the mic was. While going to your position your quickly bent down to make it seem like it was apart of the dance. Stays obviously knew it wasn't apart of the dance, and you knew they knew too. But atleast it wasn't AS noticeable if you were to actually just straight up get it.

After the concert you had to say a speech like a thank you for coming

"Hello stay" you said smiling and waving looking around earning cheers
"Mm...tonight was really fun, and I can't wait to come here again. You guys sounded beautiful cheering for us and did amazing" you said sounding a bit sad

"What's wrong?!" Someone yelled out from the crowd
You nervously laughed before smiling
"Ah..I dropped the mic so I feel like I messed up very badly hah..." You said awkwardly

Stays all screamed saying no you did great making you smile
"But thank you for the support...I'm sorry I messed up but next time we come I will practice harder!" You said making little fists making stays cheer for you

Total words: 1066
(Proof read. There still may be some mistakes and/or misspellings. I apologize for that ☺️)

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