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Edited: (August 15, 2021)

I was going to upload All the chapters last night but I got my second covid vaccine and felt like shit so I ended up sleeping early😭
Now I'm trying to reread all these, edit, and publish them in one day. Which still might not be possible bc I still feel like shit from the vaccine but whatever. Why the hell did I make so many chapters-

Bold in English
Normal in Korean

-Minjee POV-

Today me and stray kids were going to perform for jyp once again. Me and minho practiced extra hard to make sure we wouldn't get eliminated again. We definitely made improvements.

While performing I tried my best. I worked on face expressions and made my details sharper while dancing and made my voice stable for performing. I also had to learn more Korean since he did say I needed to work on it a bit more.

After performing we all stood there in front of him.
"I have made my final decision. Stray kids....will debut as 9" he said making all of us smile widely. I looked at my members and they all gave me a group hug. We cried a lot.

"T-thank you still so much pd-nim...we will work h-harder to show you that you made the right decision letting us back into the group. T-thank you" I said.

He smiled and nodded

I hugged Felix as he cried hard on my shoulder
"We did it Felix...we debuted" I said. He cried harder on my shoulder and nodded

"All the training paid off. See Felix?we made it" I said. Felix smiled and kept crying. Chan went to me and hugged me tight

"We did it minjee...thank you for joining the group" he said crying

I nodded and cried even more

"It was hard...but it's worth it Chris...stray kids nine or none" I said making him smile and nod.

We pulled away and went into a group hug.

As we hugged we heard fans cheering us on and screaming making us smile harder

"Ah...we did it ...we made it .." I said in my solo shot.
"If I were to tell my younger self ..d-dont worry, everything g-going to be okay. You're going to debut. I most likely wouldn't have believed you .." I said laughing at the end

"I would've told my younger self it's okay, I'm going to make it and debut with 8 amazing members...I wouldn't believed it...but here I am. Even in the toughest's okay to cry. Crying doesn't make you weak. It just means you've been strong for way too long. It's okay to let it out..." I said crying.

"Eomma, appa ..." I said smiling. "I made it!" I made little fists

"I promise to behave well" I said laughing at the end
I sniffled "thank you for believing in too dad...I'll come home one day " I said smiling.

Total words: 502
(Proof read. There still may be some mistakes and/or misspellings. I apologize for that ☺️)

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