Stray kids + Minjee...?

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Edited: (August 14, 2021)

Stray kids POV
All of stray kids are in the practice room currently practicing on glow. They have to perform it to jyp and he'll give feed back on it.
"Hyung" said hyunjin
Chris turned around
"Yes?" He asked
"You know, minjees really good at dancing" he said. Chris looked at him confused
"Yeah..?" He said.
"It would be cool if she got to debut in the same year as us" he said.
Chris nodded "yeah..but it's not up to us hyunjin. It's up to JYP-nim" he said.
"I know hyung...but..." He said having a new idea
"What?" Asked chan
"Can't you tell jyp to let her debut?" He asked.
"What do you mean??...manipulate him into letting minjee debut early?" Chris asked. Hyunjin nodded
"Hyunjin...thats not right to do. If jyp has not announced minjees debut date, then he thinks she's not ready. She might still need time to practice. I can't do that to her. It's not in my part" Chris said.
"I know have the ability to do it hyung...just think of it" said hyunjin getting up and walking to the rest of the boys
" 'you have the ability to do it' "... Said Chris replaying what he said...he thought about it
Would maybe...adding minjee to the group be what hyunjin meant? 8 boys and 1 one's ever done that...well kard has ..but it's 2 boys and 2 girls...this is 8 boys and ONE girl we're talking about...
Would it help hers and our careers or would it destroy it...? After all minjee is super talented...and they would gain more fans because of how different their group is. And even if they don't like it, they would never split up because family never does that. Even if it's hate they'd still be bringing attention to stray kids making them gain more attention and possibly more fans for jyp. Fans might drop and jyp company stocks night drop too...but all the company wants is money, and attention brings money. So..maybe it isn't such a bad idea?
~ the next day ~
Today was the day stray kids were performing glow for jyp. It was also the day chan was going to ask jyp privately if adding minjee to the group would be okay.
After performing jyp gave feed back on it and in the end they all stayed as 8.
The boys were backstage all cheering after all they did all stay as 8.
"Guys I'll be back in a bit" said chan after changing into comfier clothes.
" Where are you going hyung?" Asked Felix catching all the boys attention
"I'm going to talk to jyp about something real quick. It'll be fast. I'll be back at the dorms in like 10 minutes, don't burn it down okay?" All the boys nodded while laughing and chan smiled walking away. He carefully knocked on the door hearing a "come in" echoing from the other side of the door. Chan opened the door seeing jyp at his desk.
"Oh! Chan! What brings you here? Everything alright?" He asked. Chan nodded sitting down.
"Um..i wanted to talk to you about something" chan said a bit nervous. Jyp nodded signalling chan to continue.
"What do you think about adding a girl to stray kids?" He asked fast
"Woah slow down Chris. Come again?" Jyp asked not understanding
"What do you think about adding a girl to stray kids?" He asked normally.
Jyp found it interesting resting his back in the back of his chair.
"A girl?" He asked. Chan nodded his head.
"You want to add a girl to stray kids? An all boy group?" He asked
Chan nodded.
Jyp looked at him surprised yet serious.
"No." He said without thinking. Chan looked up at him
"No?" He asked
"No" jyp said nodding.
"You're not going to add a girl to an all boy group. That's not right" he said. Chan got a bit mad.
"And why's that?" He asked
"A girl shouldn't be in an all boy group. The boys would probably be ahead of the girl making her behind. Not only that but stocks would go down after all" he said. Chan nodded.
"Okay. I understand. But what makes you think the girl will get left behind? Girls can do just as much as boys can, if anything, they're stronger than us. Girl idols have to go through rougher stuff than we do. We don't have to perform on those days of each month. They do, yet they deal with it. Girls can do it perfectly fine. Look at kard sunbaenim. They're doing amazing right now, gaining attention from viewers and even locals. So what would be the difference?" Said chan. Jyp got surprised at Chan's response.
"Kards different Chris. Kard has two girls and two boys making it even. You have 8 boys and 1 girl. That's no where NEAR like kard. You'll gain attention, but also gain hate. Is that what you want?" He asked.
Chan looked at him dead in the eyes.
"What if I told you the person who I'm thinking of? I'm sure I might change your mind" he said. Jyp raised and eyebrow at chan.
"Go on" he said nodding.
"Hwang minjee" said Chris.
Jyp looked surprised.
"Hwang minjee...the Australian trainee, right?" He asked getting a nod from Chris in respond.
Jyp nodded his head. "she's a good kid. Still though chris. It's a no from me" he said
"Look jyp-nim. I understand where you're coming from. But I have a saying in this too. Right now youre only taking into consideration your choice. Let's not forget I AM the one making stray kids and putting them together because I think they're more than good enough to be in stray kids. You here are only here to fix our issues. I will put who I think is best for the group. And right now I think adding minjee is a good addition to the group. You can judge her in the survival show and tell her the mistakes. But you can't simply base them off because she's a girl. You're going to tell her her mistakes as a human. Not because of her gender. Remember that you technically work for all you're trainees and idols. You wouldnt be here without us. Remember, jyp is an entertainment company, you have idols and people know jyp because of their idols. Not anything else. Without us you'd be nothing. A leader is nothing without his followers, he's just a normal person. You can't have a group without a leader, but you can't have a leader without having followers. And right now you're the leader, and we're the followers. We can turn on your back any second of the day making your stocks go down anyways. You can't judge us because we have a girl in our group. Now, I'm going to add her into this group. And we will perform for you and show you that minjee deserves to be in this group just as much as all of us do, and you're going to be fair with her and judge her for the mistakes in her performance she made. Not because of her gender. If she can say yes into being In this group. Shes already strong for accepting. If she can show you that she can debut with us. She will debut. And you wont have a saying other than supporting your idols. Now, I'm going to add her into this group, and we will perform for you as 9. And if you genuinely still think minjee doesn't deserve to be in the group because she isn't at our level, you can kick her out. But you won't let that effect her future of being a solo artist. We can both agree she's great and has potential in debuting. So, do we have a deal?" Said Chris. Jyp looked shocked, Chris has never responded like that to him. No one in general has stood up to him. They've all been too scared.
"Alright Chris. If you think minjee can do it. I'll trust you. If you say she's good enough to be in the group. I believe you. You will perform as 9 in 2 weeks. Don't disappoint me" he said. Chris smiled and nodded.
"We won't let you down nim. Especially minjee" he said. Jyp smiled and nodded.
Chris got up. They said their goodbyes and Chris went back to the dorms. He walked in and all the boys looked at him.
"You're back?" They said. Chan nodded his head.
"I have something to talk to you guys about" he said putting his jacket on the coat rack. This made all the boys nervous. Chris never says "we have to talk" unless it's something serious. So this MUST be something that's important to say.
"What is it hyung?" They all asked.
"The other day hyunjin told me something in the practice room" he started. All the boys were confused including hyunjin
"Would you like to tell them hyunjin?" He asked making hyunjin scared he said something wrong
"Um...I told hyung minjee should debut sooner since she has a lot of potential...and I told hyung he has the power to manipulate JYP-nim into letting her debut sooner because he's close to him.." he said. the boys nodded and turned to chris signalling him to continue
"Well...I asked JYP-nim to allow her to debut early..." He said. All the boys got excited
"DID HE AGREE??" They all said at once. Chris continued
"...I'm...making changes to the group" he said making them even more confused and scared
"Changes?" Asked minho
Chris nodded. "I was...asking for permission...and for your thoughts since we are a group after all...if...I can add someone to the group" he said. All the boys faces changed. You can't describe how they felt. Happy they have a new member? Sad since they've all been through so much together? Angry at chris for decided to add a member?
"...who?" Asked jeongin
"...i chose someone you all know. So you don't have to think it's someone we don't." He said. All the boys looked at him telling him to continue
" The new minjee" he said. As soon as he said Hwnag minjee the boys went crazy. They all cheered.
"REALLY HYUNG?! REALLY?! WE'RE ADDING MINJEE TO THE GROUP?!" They all asked excitingly. Chris smiled widely and nodded
"YESSS. THANK YOU HYUNG!!" they all said together and all went to hug him. He smiled even more
"But I still need to ask her. And if she says yes. Then... she'll be apart of skz and she needs to perform with us" he said. All the boys nodded
"When are we telling her?" Asked seungmin
"I don't has to be soon..jyp wants to see us all perform with her in 2 weeks" he said. All the boys nodded.
"Let's tell her tomorrow. I'm sure she had training classes and is tired. Plus so are we. So let's all go to sleep hm?" Chan asked. The boys nodded their heads
"Yes hyung! Goodnight!" They all said walking to their shared rooms. Chris smiled
"Good night " he said before walking into his shared bedroom with minho and falling asleep.

Total words: 1905
(Proof read. There still may be some mistakes and/or misspellings. I apologize for that ☺️)

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