Edited: (August 14, 2021)
bold in english.
Normal in korean
Today was gonna be the day stray kids and you perform for jyp on the survival show. JYP announced to fans that you guys were adding a girl and they were all supportive of it. Obviously there were people who had negative thoughts on it. But most people thought it was a great thing that you guys were trying something different. As you all performed for jyp himself, you looked at him and saw how serious he was. You knew he would be mostly keeping an eye on you since you is the only girl and knew you would be getting most of the attention, almost like being in the spotlight. Not only because you're the only girl, but also because you're new to the group. After the performance you all lined up in a line.
Chan, hyunjin, jisung, minho, seungmin, you, Felix, changbin, and jeongin being the last one. You all stood there looking at jyp as jyp looked up from his paper.
"Okay" he said looking at you all.
"Chan. You did good. Your voice was pretty stable, voice cracks here and there but overall it was nice. You did slip in the choreography a bit but you got back on your feet and acted like nothing happened. That's good." He said looking at chris. Chris smiled and bowed "thank you" he said thanking him.
"Hyunjin." He said catching hyunjins attention.
"You still slack in rapping. You stutter a lot so you have to make sure you stay with the beat. But you danced very well staying on each count. Good job" he said. Hyunjin bowed as a thank you and jyp moved onto jisung.
"Jisung-ah. Your rapping has improved a lot and so has your singing. Your dancing is still a bit off, but it doesn't worry me too much as I know you will be able to improve that in no time. Practice extra hard. Got it?" He asked. Jisung nodded and bowed. Jyp moved onto minho.
"Lee know. Your singing is a bit off, it seems as if singing isn't your best. Have you ever tried rapping?" He asked. Minho shook his head
"N-no...but I think I can do it" he said showing he's determined. Jyp nodded his head.
"Can you rap jisungs part after felix' in hellevator please" he asked minho. Minho nodded his head and Felix rapped his verse. After he rapped it minho rapped jisungs part as changbin helped him with back up rap and jisung held his hand. After he finished it jyp nodded his head.
"Rapping and singing is not your specialty. Dancing is, but you can sing and rap. Just not very well. Practice more" he said. Minho nodded and bowed saying thank you. Next was seungmin.
Jyp looked at seungmin and started
"Your singing is very well for your age. You were a bit off in dancing but you can definitely improve. You did well hitting the high notes. You stuttered a bit but I'm sure you can fix that" he said. Seungmin nodded and bowed as a thank you. Next was you. You knew he would be extra hard on you since you are a girl. You knew he focused more on you to see if you can keep up with them as you are new. Jyp looked at you and started talking
"Minjee..." He said catching your attention.
"...I'm surprised you agreed to be in the group. I know it was hard for you to make the decision. But youre a very talented young girl and I'm sure you practiced hard." He said. You smiled and nodded while bowing.
"But. Like everyone there were parts you slacked and need to improve on. Your singing is good. Just not quite there. With a bit of help you can be where you need to be, so I'm not very worried about that. Your dancing was great being on point with detail. Your rapping...you stuttered in some parts so for now, stick to singing. Your Korean...it's not the best. I can tell youre slacking in korean and don't understand much. To be a kpop idol you need to be fluent in korean which is what you lack in the most. Your weaknesses are definitely rapping and korean. You need to improve in your Korean" he said. You nodded and bowed saying a small thank you. You noticed jyp went a bit more harsh on you. Probably because youre and he expected a lot from you. But you didn't think he'd bring up Korean in it since he knows youre trying your best. You let it slide though and didn't worry much about it. Jyp moved onto Felix.
"Felix. Your voice definitely fits rapping more. You slack in singing. So stick with rapping. Your dancing was good though. Just like minjee your Korean isn't the best. You need to be fluent in korean and that's where you are stuck just like minjee. Knowing Korean is one of the biggest things. If you don't know korean chances of you becoming a kpop idol are very low." He said scaring Felix a bit. Felix nodded and bowed. Jyp started talking about changbin next.
"You are very good at rapping. Your voice fits it very well and you can stay on beat very quickly and that's very good. Your singing isn't the best so I think rapping fits you the best. Your dancing is average. So practice a bit more of singing and dancing. But overall it was good." He said making changbin smile and bow. He looked at jeongin making jeongin nervous
"I.n. your singing is good for your age. But you need to improve a bit. Your voice was a bit shaky and i could tell you were nervous. Try to stay calm. That's most important. Your dancing was well but I could tell you were a bit stiff. Try to relax it a bit making it look more natural. But over all, but was good. Good job" he said. I.n smiled and bowed his head saying a small thank you.
"Stray kids." He said starting a new sentence.
"Overall. Today's performance was well. You guys have potential. But your stage presence slacks a bit. That's the most important right now. Over all. nice job. But there are people at risk of elimination" he did catching all of your attention.
"Lee know. Minjee, and Felix" he said making all of you worry.
"Please step forward." He said making you take small steps
"You guys lack the most in the group. You guys have the most chances on being eliminated. Right now. One of you guys will go home." He said making you 3 look at eachother. You all gave small sad smiles and each other and held your hands.
"Lee know." He said. We looked up at jyp and looked at lee know.
"You may go home. You are now eliminated from stray kids" he said standing up then leaving the room. Once he left you and Felix looked at minho with tears. Minho looked at you guys and smiled while the room was all quiet.
You hugged him tight without speaking while sniffing.
"...don't cry minjee" he said. You started crying even harder.
He patted your back
"D-dont go. P-please" you said sobbing. He looked at you.
"I'm not leaving. Oppas sorry for failing you..." He said. You shook my head
"You didn't fail me. Stay...please" you said as more tears dropped.
He hugged you again.
"You'll see me around minjee...I promise...make me more proud and debut in stray kids...hm?" He said. You nodded while crying.
"Dont cry...oopa doesn't want to see you cry. Got it?" He said smiling. You nodded and he cleaned your tears and gave you one last hug. Minho looked at Felix and smiled.
They hugged eachother.
"I'm sorry..." He said to Felix. Felix shook his head.
"D-dont be.." he said. They seperated and minho hugged everyone. He went to chan and hugged him.
Chan hugged him laying his head on his shoulder.
"...hyungs sorry for failing you..." Chan said. Minho laughed a bit and shook his head.
"You didnt fail me...I'll work harder...I promise..." Said minho. Once minho left we all stayed quiet. Only sniffles and sobs could be heard. Yours being the loudest.
Chan looked at me he came and hugged you tight
"Don't cry" he said. You sobbed on his shoulder.
"Minho didn't want to see you cry...okay? Minho will be okay. Make him more proud and practice harder." he said
"B-but ...minho didn't deserve to be eliminated chan...he did great... I should've b-been eliminated...n-not him...he probably hates me" you said sobbing. Chan shook his head.
"Why would he hate you? You did nothing wrong. It wasn't your fault. Don't say you should've been eliminated. Believe in yourself. Okay? Have confidence. Minho will continue with his life. He probably will become a kpop idol in another company. He'll be fine. I promise" he said looking at you. You nodded and cried more.
You were all were sitting while the staff played minhos last video saying goodbye.
He thanked all of you and apologized for not being able to stay. You tried keeping it together and were doing fine. Until he said your name
"minjee..." He said and smiled
"It was fun teaching you korean even though you did make me frustrated at times" he said chuckling at the end making you crack a smile as tears fell.
"Oppas sorry for not being able to stay with you...don't think it's your fault. It my own. I couldn't stay with you. I promise I'll keep in touch okay? I can already see you crying. Don't cry. I don't want you to cry because of me. You did great. Practice extra hard and stay in stray kids...I know I don't say this a lot...but I do love you. I really do. So practice extra hard for me like if I was there. Don't listen to the haters either...eat your meals and stay healthy. Got it? I have to go now...bye everyone" he said giving a small smile at the camera. You sobbed as seungmin looked at you and hugged you.
The video ended and it was your solo shots
When it was your turn you looked at the camera then looked down at you lap
"...it's sad when you see someone leave. Especially someone who helped you a lot...and someone who really wanted to reach their dreams...I couldn't keep minho with us...i-its not easy. But I'll work harder for him...thank you for teaching me Korean and being patient with me...I know I was a hastle to work with...I'll work harder for you...I won't let hate comments get to me and I'll keep in mind everything you helped me with...thank you oopa" you said smiling at the end with puffy eyes.

Stray kids 9th member
FanfictionWill you be mine?" "H-huh?" "Will you??" "What..." "Be mine?" "Will you be mine?" © leeknowknowsuknow ⚠️ CHAPTERS ARE BEING RE ORGANIZED SO STORY MIGHT BE A BIT CONFUSING. I APOLOGIZE ⚠️ Note: Do NOT take any of this seriously. all chapters, added...