The clash (part 2)

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The four men sat across facing each other in a cafe. Tine and type on one side and Wat and man on the other. There wasn't many people in the cafe. Tension filled up in the air, Wat and type glared at each other like they were ready to kill each other.

There was awkwardness all around them. None of them were ready to speak up. To brighten up the atmosphere tine called for the waiter to order some drinks.

" I would like to have an iced americano." Tine said to the waiter who began writing the orders in a small note-pad.
"What about u guys...?" Tine asked nervously with a smile that looked indeed forced.

Man looked at tine and directed his eyes towards type and Sarawat who were glaring at each other.
Man gulped his saliva down his throat and said...
" I'll have a vanilla latte. "

The waiter still writing man's order in his note-pad asked type and sarawat.
" What are your orders sir's...?"

Just then the two glared at the waiter instead which made the waiter think that he made a mistake asking them.

" I'll take what he took "
The two said to the Waiter while each of them pointing their fingers at the scared tine.

" Three iced americano and a vanilla latte. "
The waiter revised the orders for the final time and went back to the counter.

All of a sudden after the waiter went away, soon there was silence once again. The tension built up again between them.

" What is up with these two..."
" How would I know..."
"You are his brother, ask him.."
" And u are his friend.. aren't you.." Tine signalled Man referring to Sarawat.

Two invisible conversation with mindtalk between Tine and Man went on.

"Do something..." Tine signalled Man pointing his eyes at him.

A whole strategy of new ideas started building up in Man's head. Not knowing what to do ahead, he thought of a suicide plan.

(A/N): Bet it's not another foolish plan of Man.... Sigh ~

"I've thought of a plan.." Man signalled Tine.

The atmosphere between Sarawat and Type has not been subsided yet. It's like they were at war, but a cold war and the weapons were their stares. 😅
A loud screeching of the chair surrounded the silence as Man suddenly stood up.
All of a sudden the tension of the atmosphere was disturbed by Man, and which caught the attention of everyone in the cafe, literally everyone.

"Umm... Umm... I...." Stuttered Man.
The three of them looked cluelessly at Man.
"So... I wan..ted to say..." Now Man looked as if he was about to faint.

" Whatever..." Man said as he grasped his breath and held onto Type's hand.
Then he ran as fast as he could while holding onto Type's wrist. He ran out of the cafe and through the streets and shops far away from Tine and Sarawat.

The grip of Man on Type's hand was much stronger than it actually looked.
The pain started to take a toll on Type.

" What are you doing..?" Type stopped Man with all his force and freed his hand from his grip.
"Are you sane or not, what do u think you are doing right now...huh"
"I don't know what u want, but please stay away from me. Even a little sight of you irritates me enormously."

Man looked at Type with a hurted look. He was hurt because he liked Type since the first day they met, and has been trying his level best to court him. Even though Man may not look as a serious kind of guy but still the readers know how much he likes P'Type.

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