Wat's thoughts

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In the last chapters, we barely knew what was going on in Sarawat's mind. As we know he doesn't give any expression too so, it's really difficult even for his friends to know what Sarawat's thinking at the time.

So, in this chapter we'll focus on what sarawat thinks from the first day he met tine. I'll only show u some cute scenes. I'll not tell the whole detail about it but instead just some pieces from the story.
So... Let's get to the beginning of the story.. The day of the opening of the summer semester.


Sarawat's pov-
The same old routine has begun again.
(The boy sighed as he got off the bed.)

My life's no different than that of a normal boy, but it's just that I'm born in an incredibly rich family. No... I'm not rich, my parents are. And I don't really care if they think of their son whom they haven't seen for at least a year now.

It's OK... I don't really mind them. It's been about a year since I moved out from my home to live alone.

My workaholic dad didn't really care about me or his own family and my mom....  Hmmm she is too busy taking care of his son. My brother Phukong, as if I never existed in her eyes before. They care about me whenever it relates to the company, Guntithanon enterprise which my dad runs. He always thinks that I'll be the successor of his company; when I never want to.
They never care about me. Apart from my brother I never talk to anyone in the family. My family's really fucked up right??

"Aaah P'Sarawat..."

My ears are going to hurt the whole day now. These fangirls never take it easy.

"Whao..wat . U have a lot of fans.. Mind sharing with me...? " Man stretched his hands wide and grabbed sarawat on his shoulders.

"Me too... I too want fans. No, instead find me a girlfriend. I'm bored of this Lonely life." Boss too grabbed Sarawat's hand.

"Do u think I'm a sort of love expert...?
In fact I don't need any fans, they come to me.. " Sarawat muttered.

[In the background fangirls are going crazy over sarawat and cheering for him and around him his friends are bickering over the cute fans to sarawat but... Sarawat couldn't hear anything and is lost in his own thoughts. ]

I hope something changes my life. I wish that this boring life of mine come to an end.


Aah.. Who's this..? It hurts. He's so heavy.
I can hear whispers around me and then there is this guy on top of me.

" Aren't u getting up already, you're heavy. " 
I said to him coz I had too. No joke he was heavy. [Sarawat got up and dusted his clothes. ]
Unlike his petite look he's Really heavy..  Is he a pig..?  What does he eat..?

"I.. I'm...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.  Somebody from the crowd pushe.... "
The guy said.

I knew he was gonna say that..
I gotta tease him more.

" Haaa... So u mean to say that someone pushed u...? "
He's feeling flustered. Haha. I can't take it.. His eyes are literally glowing right now.

"Yes...yeah.. Someone pushed me from the crowd. Oh God thank u for believing me. I thought u were gonna beat me.phew...well I'm gonna go now... Later"
I can literally see his glowing face. It's so funny to watch.

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