Love at first fight

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Ring 🎵🎵🎵🎵
The melody of the phone surrounded through out the room.

"Hello... "
Tine picked up the call.

"Who's this...? "

"Aah.. P'. What's the matter...? "

"You're going to the University today.. "

"Aren't u going to stay here in my apartment..?"

"Oh OK... I'll be there... "

Tine ended up the call and sluggishly walked to the bathroom.

He looked at himself in the mirror and a completely different person could be seen.
His eyes were swollen enough for everyone to think that it was bit by a bee. And his eyes were surrounded by dark eye bags beneath his eyes.

Just then he remembered, that he was confessed by sarawat.
He lifted up his right hand and pinched his right cheek till it was reddish pink.

"So it wasn't a dream.... "

"OH.... G O D....... "

At the University-
"P' where are u..? "
Tine looked all around outside the campus looking for his brother with the phone attached to his ear.
Then, at a distance he saw someone familiar. With a closer look tine was sure that it was his brother.

"Tine... " Type shouted from the other side of the road.
Type hurriedly crossed the road and ran to embrace his little brother.

He holded tine lovingly in his arms.
"Tine... My brother, P' missed u so much. "
Type started flowing down tears from his eyes.

"P'... It's okay. You're embarrassing me. See people are looking at us. "
Tine said as he freed himself from his brother's loving embrace.

"It's not embarrassing to hug my own brother whom I've not seen for 5 months, 1 week ,2 days and 12 hours. "
Type again started shading tears.

"Wow... That's a too much of an answer. Don't u think P'..."

Type sobbed on and on and on. It will take ages for his tear vessel to get completely dried up.

"C'mon P'. You're going to be a substitute professor in our university. You should not spoil your face on the first day. "

Type controlled his emotions and wiped up his tears.
"If it weren't for u, I would have never stepped in this university."

"Oh... C'mon P' don't be too obsessed. I'll be scared. "
"I'll have to go now... P' take time touring the University. I have classes. Bye... "

Tine ran off as fast as possible leaving type in the middle of the University.
"This kid... "
Type took out a big piece of paper, which seems to be the map of the University.
"So... Which way to go now.. Right/
left.. "

Tine's pov-
P'type came in a really bad time. What to do now...?
OK tine you got this.
Rule no.1: No sarawat. Beware of sarawat. Avoid sarawat at all cost.

Rule no.2: Never act flustered in front of sarawat. Otherwise P'type would get a hunch about the situation.

Rule no.3: Act cool. Forget about the past. Live in the present.

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