Tine's agony

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"Hey!!! Wake up... "

" Um... Who is it..? " Tine said still drowsy and eyes closed.

" Did you forget the agreement that u must wake me up at 7."

" Hmmm....  What..? "

Tine's eyes enlargened itself after hearing the word 'agreement'.

"Oh...! Sarawat.. " Tine got up while panting.
(still panting) "What.... a dream."

Still Tine couldn't believe it was a dream. Sarawat's voice was echoing in his head, like it was in real. Tine got up from his bed and searched for Sarawat throughout his room.

" Well I guess it was really a dream... " Tine was laughing to himself for being really stupid.

" How can sarawat come here..  He doesn't even know my address..."


Just then Tine's alarm rang off.
He took his phone and saw the reminder. In his phone, the reminder was set as 'waking sarawat up'.

Tine saw his watch...it was already 7.
He felt nervousness running throughout his body. He held his phone and entered the contacts and dialled Sarawat's number which was saved as 'Saraleo'.
He rang his number, and then a person picked up and said hello.

Tine froze... For 10 seconds he couldn't say anything. After gaining a little courage he said back... "Hello... Umm, is this Sarawat". Tine asked with an innocent voice.

" Hmmm.. I am." Sarawat said with no tone which sounded like he was not interested in talking to whoever's on the phone.

[still stammering ]" I... I'm Tine. On the agreement u.. You told me to wake you up at 7 right..? So I'm waking you up now. It's already 7." Tine said nervously.

"Hmm... Did I? "

Tine's pov-
Does this Sarawat despite me for such a small incident. He made the agreement yet doesn't even remember what he wrote in the agreement, like really... Whoa I can't believe people like him exist. I'm dumbfounded.

" Do you really not remember. It was on the agreement paper that I signed yesterday. "

Tine the took the paper which laid on the table and read the agreement.

" It's right here. The 3rd one.. " Tine said.

" I know. I was just testing you if u will be loyal to your master or not, but I was wrong you're an obedient slave and yeah I woke up ages ago". Sarawat said with a tone that was supposedly teasing tine.

" You.... Saraleo. How could u... I sacrificed my morning beauty sleep for u and you.. "

" Wait... You can't argue with your master...agreement  number 2."

Tine was left dumbfounded again. Although he was really angry and wanted to take it out on Sarawat, he couldn't do it.
[a/n-poor Tine].

" Ah...!  And now hurry and bring me breakfast to the University. Fast... Now!!!". Sarawat said while hanging up, which made tine fall from his bed and hurry to the bathroom.

Tine hurried to the University's cafeteria but it was closed. Tine couldn't believe his eyes. He hurried outside to the University and all the restaurants were closed. Since it was only 7:35 most of the shops were closed. Tine was also hungry. He also hadn't eaten anything because he had to hurry to buy breakfast for Sarawat.

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