The clash (part 1)

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A/N:  I'm sorry for a really really really long update. I was just too busy dwelling in my personal life.Classes began and then the exams... It's almost been a year.. I'm really sorry. 🙏🙏🙏.

It was early in the morning. The sun wasn't up yet. Tine's room was dark throughout. The sleeping Tine suddenly felt a shiver down to his spines. Due to that, he got up while rubbing all the sweat from his forehead.

"What a bad dream it was... "
Tine sighed.

He got a hold on his phone and saw that it was still 5:30 in the morning.
"I wonder which hotel P'type is living in right now..? "
"I should call him."
Tine said as he was concerned about his elder brother. Since Type's arrival at Bangkok, apart from the college Tine hadn't seen him for a whole day.

Tine dialled Type's number, just then something vibrated so hard in the room which caught Tine's attention.
"What's that..? "

Tine shivered throughout, his body nice numb. He quickly on to his left switched on the lamp.

The lamp was on  which brightened up the room now and someone could be seen laying on the sofa. The figure wasn't visible, only his back could be seen in a silhouette figure.

Tine mustered up his courage and held a pillow in his hand as this was the only object  he could see around him at the moment. He tiptoed, walking slowly towards the person raising his hands to hit the person with the pillow.

But then he stopped.


Tine shouted.

After a few minutes, the sun also came up bright as always.
Tine sat on the sofa next to type, looking at his brother who looked gross  and smelled like alcohol just wanting an answer for his brother's deserted looks.

Tine sure was a lot shocked to see his brother in this state because according to Tine's memories, P'type was a really uniformed person. He was a role model considered by his juniors during his senior years at highschool. He was everytime neatly dressed, never smelled gross, obeyed his parents and yeah... Had a little brother complex.
Which he has still now... 😅😅😅😅.

Tine offered tine a warm glass of water which he had just taken out from a boiler.

"P' what's with you...?  Are you in trouble..?"
Tine asked with his heads bent down.

Type glared at tine like an angry lion.
This made tine move away from type in panic.
But then suddenly type started to cry. He wailed like a little baby hugging tine.
Little tine was clueless, but then so he patted his brother's back gently who was sobbing like an idiot.

(a/n): Families are really alike.. Huh [sigh].

After some time type settled down with his tears and caught his breath to speak.

Tine was left dumbfounded hearing his brother's story.

Is he high on something...? This foolish brother of mine, I wish I could give him up for adoption...
Tine thought to himself. He was on the verge of explosion. It could be seen all on his face.

He was so pissed off to even look at Type's face. Tine got up and searched for a box of tissue and kept it on the table near type. He pulled out a sheet of tissue and smacked it in Type's face.

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