House visit

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A broad back shivered...
"Hey dude you're way too weird right now. "
Man said to Sarawat who was sitting on the bed with a red key holder in his right hand smiling from ear to ear.

Man sat beside sarawat and stared at Sarawat's face.
"Tell me... Be honest, Nevvy gave it to u right.. "

Sarawat stopped smiling for a second and glared hard at man who was on his left.
Man knew that he doesn't like to hear Nevvy's name and he is still not over her.
"Friend... Does the past still affects u..? Oh c'mon let bygones be bygones. Why are u still affected by it... ?" Man still concerned about sarawat.

Sarawat stammered as he glanced at man with sadness filled in his eyes.
"Let... Let's not talk about it. "

Man stood up nodding his head as well as changing the subject.
"Then who gave it to u..? "

Smirk building up on Sarawat's face.
"Just some idiot I know. "

"As far as I know, isn't the idiot you're talking about is none other than Nong tine..."  Man sneered.

"That doesn't concern u.. " Sarawat said with little or no expression at all.

Man sniggered.
"Tell me.... You like tine, am I right..? "

Sarawat looking confused as well as shocked at the same time.
"Are u out of your mind. Wha...what are u thinking and what made u think like that..? " Sarawat bent his head down low.

" There.. There. It all shows in your behavior.... How cute... 😍😍😍." Man said laughing out hard.
"I wish Boss was here too. He'd also see this behavior of yours that's rare to see.. Aahhh... I could have made a video. [Hitting his own head] U dumb head. "

"What are u saying...? U must be out of your mind today. And don't u tell boss anything about this. " Sarawat said feeling flustered.

________ Brrrr brrrrr ____________

Sarawat's phone  which was placed on the table vibrated indicating that he got a message. Sarawat moved his body to grab the phone but man, fast as lightning grabbed the phone quicker than sarawat.

"Hey... Give it back to me.. " Sarawat said while trying to snatch the phone back from man.

"I won't... " Man let out his tongue a little indicating that he was teasing sarawat.

Hands up high, man read out the message.
"What's written here.... Oh let me see "

Man cleared his throat and spoke in a manner that tine speaks..
"Sarawat... U said to me that u would teach me how to play guitar... Should we meet now. "

"Give it back... " Sarawat really really angry now.

Man's hands still held up high started to type something...
"Sure... Nong tine. U can come to my place now.. "

"Man I didn't tell u to let tine come here.. Asshole." Sarawat cursing man while sitting on the bed admitting defeat.

Man now comfortable on the bed next to sarawat.
"He's replying.. "

Sarawat sneakily glancing little by little.
"I don't care.. "

"Oh it came.. "
But I don't know your house..?

Man grinned and started to type.
It's next to the University. It's the only house nearby so you'll find it easily... I'll be waiting.

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