First kiss

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The broad body helped tine walk through the hallways of his condo. Tine's room was on the 2nd floor and the elevator at Tine's condo hasn't been  working well for many days and is in construction. So Sarawat had to take tine through the stairs. Sarawat wrapped his hands over Tine's shoulders and helped his body while walking up the stairs.

Tine was still unconscious and not in his sense now because of the strong sedative for which doctor has advised Sarawat to keep an eye on tine until he is  fully awake.

After a long exhaustion, Sarawat finally reached Tine's room. He, on one hand supporting tine and the other hand searching for keys in his pockets.
He took out the key and suited himself and pushed the key to the keyhole.
He opened the door and switched on the lights.

The lights was on and revealed the room. The room looked really cute. It was really small. Entering the house was a small kitchen and then led to the the bedroom and bathroom together.

"The room suits u..." Sarawat grinned as he said to the sleeping tine. He laid tine down on his bed.

In Tine's small room Sarawat looked like a giant. His broad arms almost covered every of Tine's space in his bed. Sarawat carefully removed his hands from tine and covered him with a blanket. He made sure every part of him was covered so he tucked in every part of the remaining blanket.

He then checked his temperature again, and his fever had reduced but still he was hot. Sarawat made his way to the small kitchen and prepared a cloth with ice cubes in it. Sarawat kept it in Tine's forehead and gently pressed it. He made sure that no sound would wake tine up. He closed the curtains and lighted a small table lamp near tine.

Tine's face was glowing due to the lamp. He was sleeping so soundly.
Sarawat smiled a little seeing tine sleep so peacefully.

Sarawat snapped into his present self and shook his head.
"Shit.... What am I smiling for..?  Keep yourself together."

Sarawat stood up and made his way to the bathroom to wash himself up.
After a few minutes, he came out of the bathroom half wet. He gently brushed his hair with a towel to dry it. He didn't change his clothes so he was still in his uniform.
[a/n: I can imagine how hot he must have looked... ]

After freshing up, he moved to the kitchen and started to cook some rice porridge for Tine. Although sarawat doesn't look like someone who would be a good cook but yeah... He is a good cook unlike tine who doesn't even know how to cook an omelette properly.

Sarawat in Tine's small kitchen started making some porridge for Tine.  The sound of the chopping made tine to open his eyes. Tine could smell something nice cooking and he was starving. So he got up and moved towards the kitchen barefoot without making a sound.

He wondered who was it..? He saw a huge built in his small kitchen. He moved towards to the person and gently touched his arms.

Sarawat was startled a little and accidentally pushed tine which made him out of balance. Sarawat quickly grabbed the falling tine in his waist and pulled him closer to him.

It was a romantic moment. It was just like time has stopped now for a moment. They looked at each other's eyes.

Sarawat's face all red now.
"Tine... " Sarawat panting.
"Y...You scared me to death. "

Tine adjusted his eyes to Sarawat's again as he released himself from Sarawat's arms.
"I...i just smelled something nice and I was hungry. I didn't know you would give me a reaction like that. I didn't even know it was u..." Tine diverted his eyes and looked down.

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