The guy with piercings

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Tine's pov

I was just about to pave my way through the crowd to go out a person Suddenly pushed me and I fell down.

I fell down but there was someone beneath me...

It was the guy with the piercings..

I'm dead now... 😩😩😩

There were loud murmurs. People were shocked. They clicked  photos of us and started uploading on different website pages.

The 2 friends of the guy were astonished and made an unbelievable expression.

" Aren't u getting up already, you're heavy. " The guy said with annoyed face.

And his eyes were glaring at me. Really... it was just like he was spitting fire at me from his eyes. I had a hunch from the very morning that something bad will happen to me. You know I broke a glass at my condo this morning and in my family breaking things like glasses and mirrors are considered to be a bad omen.
          Now let's get to the story. But I don't want to continue I'm really scared.  I wished that my friends were here...these useless friends are never there whenever I need them. Aah...i forgot about the story, now let's get to the story.

"I.. I'm...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.  Somebody from the crowd pushe.... "

" Haaa... So u mean to say that someone pushed u...? " he said with a smirk on his face.

"Yes...yeah.. Someone pushed me from the crowd. Oh God thank u for believing me. I thought u were gonna beat me.phew...well I'm gonna go now... Later" I said with a relieved face. I was tensed before because I thought he was a bad boy and maybe he would beat me...God I'm so relieved now.

I turned my back and started walking to the cafeteria to where my friends were but then I was stopped.

"What a lame excuse... Couldn't u have thought a better one..?" the guy said which really pissed me off. For a long time I haven't gotten the feeling of punching someone so bad and thankfully he hit a nerve inside me and I'm in a sour state because of him now and I really want to punch him right now.

Tine turned to him and gave him a disbelief look.

" I thought u weren't the person of how I thought u to be. You disappoint me...your character and your face. "

"Mind your language". The guy with the beard said.

" It's OK man don't be angry. Don't spoil your mood for the likes of him. I'll handle him in my own way". The guy with the piercing said to the bearded man with a smirk.

And I knew behind every smirk of him there was a reason.

I gulped a little and spoke.

"Do whatever u want I'm not afraid of u..." I shouted at him as they already walked away from the area.

I'm really pissed off right I need to drink lemonade right now. I couldn't think of anything other than that guys face as I was heading to the cafeteria. It feels like that guys face is tattooed inside my brain and that too his smirked face.

Tine slapped his hands on the table with an irritated face which caught the attention of his 3 friends that were sitting in the table.

"What happened to you. And what's with your mood. Did someone criticize you for joining the cheer leading club..? " Fong said with a worried yet teasing face.

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