The date[Part 2]

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The 3 boys lost their breath after a long search of tine and sarawat.

"Where are they Fong..? " Ohm asked angrily.

"I'm sure they entered in this shop... " Fong said while pointing at the shop in front of them.

The shop was a music shop where various instruments could be found. The walls of the shop was made of see through glasses. Many people could be seen inside the shop as it was the day where people mostly rest and go shopping. The shop also displayed a board outside disclaiming a special discount on each item the customers buy.

"There they are... " Peuk pointed to the two person inside the shop on the drum section.

"Let's go... " Ohm said.

"Be in a disguise guys... And don't stay too near them. " Fong said.

The 3 idiots got them in a disguise and entered the shop.

On the other hand, Tine felt confused  for which instrument will suit him.

"What about keyboard.. You must have played it once, I think..? Sarawat said while his fingers gently pressing the keys of the keyboard.

"Not even once.. " Tine said with a sorry face.

"Then any instruments that you have played when u were young..? " Sarawat asked.

"I don't even recall touching any instrument..." Tine said scratching his head.

Sarawat nodded his head in disbelief.

"Then, even if u buy any instrument now. It will be impossible for u to learn it in 1 day..." Sarawat sighed.

"Then... Do u have any suggestions..?" Tine asked with pleasing eyes.
[a/n: The eyes will be like the cat in puss in boots movie.].

"How about guitar...? " Sarawat said.

"Guitar..?  No.. I'll skip on that. Guitar have so many strings. It will take me a century to learn the keys of the guitar ". Tine said.

"Then.. If I teach u, it's not impossible. Right....?Sarawat said  looking in Tine's eyes.

"No... It's OK you'll be busy preparing for the audition too. It will be not okay for me to take your time... "

"Who said I'll be taking the auditions.." Sarawat said amusingly.

Tine directly turned his head to sarawat in shock.

"Then aren't u a member of the club..?"
Tine asked.

" Tine..." Sarawat said.

"Huh....? "

"Were u always an idiot...? "

"Huh...? What do u mean..?" Tine asked still his eyes in contact with sarawat.

"I'm in my 3rd year now... "

"So what..? " tine said still not getting what sarawat was indicating to.

"I had my audition 2 years ago.. " Sarawat said with his lips hardly moving.

"Oh.... Haaa...  I forgot. " Tine giggled as he was touching his head.

" Right...  I'm your senior. You.. I've never heard u call me P'..." Sarawat said while leaning against the wall.

" But it's difficult for me.. " Tine said.

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