The date[Part 1]

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A loud voice echoed in a small room.

Tine's pov-
It's already 10:30. I've slept too much. If it wasn't for ohm I would have never got drunk and slept so much. And I've got a bloody headache man...
I've got to get ready or else I'll be late.
[In deep thought] I told him that I'll wait for him but if it's the opposite, Sarawat will kill me.
"I've got to hurry..."
"Where are my clothes... "

Tine grabbed his clothes and hurried to the bathroom....
Due to slipperiness of the floor, he fell down banging his head on the wall.
"Shiaaa" he shouted.
"Why does it always happen to me...? "
Then he got up and continued getting changed.
[a/n: Isn't tine a real cutie. I'll fall for him and his cuteness everytime. His clumsiness is even more larger than mine.. 😁😁😁].

_______At the required spot_______

" Ow... Hey ohm... You're stamping on my foot. Watch ur foot dude." Fong said with a painful expression.

The 3 idiots are now hiding behind a shop. One is wearing glasses and the other fake moustache and cap with binoculars as disguise so they don't get noticed by tine.
But the funny thing is that... They were the only person's that stood out the most from the crowd with weird disguises 😂😂😂😂.
It looked like as if they were ready to rob a bank now...
[a/n: 3 idiots fighting!!! So u all won't get caught spying by tine..].

"What time is it now..? " Ohm asked.

Puek looked at his watch.
"It's 10:40 now.. "

"Aren't we here too early...? " Fong said.

"The early bird gets the worm... Haven't you heard of this sentence.." ohm said.

"But we aren't here for worms.. " Fong said.

Ohm hit fong's head in disbelief.
"Idiot... I meant the more early we are.. We can have more chances to keep an eye on them.. "

"Now do u get it". Puek giggled.

"Mmmm". Fong replied scratching his head.

"Oh Ohm how did u know they were meeting here..? " Puek asked curiously.

"I told you all that I'll handle it right..!! ".
Ohm gave a big smirk, which gave goosebumps to fong and puek.
Because ohm may look simple and smart but he is actually the biggest jerk of all of them.


Ring🎵🎵🎶 Ring...
The petite body moved and answered his call.

" Hello.. Ai Ohm what's up...? " Tine asked.

"Open the door.. I'll be there in 5 minutes.."

"Huh... You're here...? " Tine asked.

"Hmmm... "

Just then the sound of doorbell rang off.

The petite body with a shirt much bigger than him and a boxer in the bottom got up from his sofa went to answer the door.

"What's up... You could have come in the afternoon. It's already late. " Tine said with a concerned face.

"I had something to ask...thats all. I'll leave after that. "

The two body's became comfortable on the sofa right next to the bed.

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