I shouldn't have met him..

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At the cafeteria

A large body grabbed me from behind while whispering in my ears..
"Hey wife".

That gave me chills down through my spines.

"Sarawat...why can't u appear normally"
I was pissed off cause everytime he comes near me I always get so irritated and uncomfortable.

"Don't be too mad. My sister in law's angry face is too cute to handle. Even other people might fall for u". Man said standing next to sarawat with a smirk on his face.

"Or I might even fall for u." boss said sitting on the table next to ours.

"Don't tease my wife". Sarawat spoke angrily dragging man and boss out of the cafeteria.

Meanwhile Sarawat stopped and came closer to me with a soft smile on his face, he bent towards me ; my heart suddenly froze, our distance was less than 5 cm( freaking 5 CM man). I was shocked cause it was the first time I saw Sarawat's face from this close.

"I'll wait for u at the gate after class; be sure to come" he said with a sparkly smile on his face which was rare coz Sarawat barely smiled.

       I can't fall for his tricks man.. Tine get a hold of urself.

"Maybe our precious tine will be confessed to today". Ai fong said while ohm and peuk nodded their head.

"Are u my friends or no, u keep on giving me to sarawat". I said angrily and more pissed off than before.

These friends have no shame when sarawat and his friends came to the cafeteria earlier my greedy and cowardly friends left me alone with sarawat and moved to the table 3 tables far from ours.

"U all have no right to call me friend".

"Tine we are sorry, ai fong saw a cute girl so we went to get her line ID. Do u want it too...? "

"Line ID my ass.. U care more about the girl rather than ur friend". I said with a pouted face.

"We are sorry".
The three of them caught their ears and started sitting up and down.

"It's OK don't do that... Others will think that I'm bullying u all"..
Friends do silly mistakes. I thought that to myself and forgived them.

"Now let's go to class we're almost late". Peuk said while looking at his wristwatch and we headed for our next lecture.

During the class

" Hey guys.. Do u think that I should go to him after class..? " I said with a concerned look on my face.

"Do u want to..? " fong asked

" well actually I don't want to.. But I also don't want to disappoint Sarawat". I said as I was feeling guilty inside.

"well we support u whatever ur decision is... But if sarawat misbehaves with u call us we'll give him a piece of hands that has never punched anyone..." Ohm said..which I thought was stupid but very cute.

We all Burst into laughter which was interrupted by the professor. Then we paid attention to the lecture.

After the class

"Good luck my friend..call us when u need help OK.. " peuk said

"well I'm gonna go now.. Bye" I said and started walking in a different direction from them.

While I was taking steps towards the location there was various debates that was going inside my head..
"will I be confessed to".
"What will I do if he confesses to me?"
"Will he beat me.. "
"Will he kidnap me if I turn him down"
"Does he like me..? "

And the only thought that triggers me the most is.....

"Would I have been in this complicated situation like this if I haven't met him.....?"

I shouldn't have met him...if only I could turn back time.. Why did I associate with a guy like him..? I should have just stayed silent whenever he bullied me. If I should have stayed silent he would have never liked me and if he had never liked me this situation would have never come.

But wait
         "Do I like him....? "

Hey how do u like the plot till now... If u have any ideas comment down and I'll make sure to update the next chapter tomorrow. If u like the story vote and leave tons of comments down below.
And stay safe.

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