Chapter 1

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Author P.O.V

A h/c haired girl is kneeling in front of a tomb. Her eyes held sadness. She wipe her tears as she gently place her hand on top of the tomb.


I'm visiting dad's grave as it is 8th monthsary of his death. "Hey dad... how are you doing up there?" I said, tears is building up in my eyes. I let out a shaky breath as I wipe my tears.

"Dad... it has been 8 months since the war and your death... I really miss you..." I said in a soft voice. My father... Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man... died during the war. He sacrificed himself to defeat our enemy, Thanos.

I remember everything clearly as if it only happened yesterday. The pain in my chest, as I watch my dad take his last breath.


I hold Thanos with my hand as Peter tried to take the glove from his hand. But Quill got angry after knowing Thanos killed his girlfriend, Gamora. He swung a punch to Thanos, which made Mantis fall from his back.

I got thrown away and land on my back. I could feel the air being squeezed out of me as I gasped for air. But it wasn't the time to lay around. I have to stop Thanos. This is our only chance.

Dad runs forward and grabs Thanos hand, trying to stop him from snapping his finger. But he got thrown away. Thanos smirked at us, thinking he have won. But when he snapped his fingers, nothing happened.

I turn to my dad. To see him raising his hand. The infinity stones is with him. He raise his hand and smile at me. I shake my head, trying to tell him not to do it. He's body can't take the power.

"And I am Iron Man..." he said, snapping his finger. "Dad!!" I screamed. White light appear and I had to close my eyes because of how bright it was.

Then just like that Thanos and his minions turned into dust. I turn to my dad and walks towards him. I kneeled down next to him. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see my boyfriend... Peter doing the same.

"Mr. Stark... we won, Mr. Stark. You did it..." Peter said. Pepper helps him to stand up because she wanted to talk to him. I kneel down on dad's left side, while Pepper is on his left.

"Dad..." I said. I place my hand and start to use my healing power. But I don't have that much strength. I could feel something running down my nose, and I knew it was my blood.

Dad placed his hand on top of mine and shake his head. In an instant, I knew he what he meant. He doesn't want me to heal him, with my current condition.

"D-Daddy..." I cried out, placing my head on his neck. Pepper place his hand on top of mine, which is on Dad's chest. I look at her. She gives me a sad smile. Through her smile I could tell what she was trying to tell me. She was asking me to let dad go and rest. A rest he would never wake up from.

I take a deep breath. "Dad... it's okay..." I said. He turns to me, giving me a small smile. Pepper asked him to look at her, which he listened. "We'll be okay" he said. Then his eyes looked empty. His arc reactor shuts down... letting us know that he's no longer with us.

End of Flashback

I choke a sob as I hug my knees. "Dad... I'm so sorry I wasn't strong enough... I have healing power but it's not enough to heal you. I'm s-so sorry f-for being SO weak..." I said, crying softly to myself.

"I knew you'd be here..." I heard someone said. I turn my head to see Peter. I just smile weakly at him. He gives me a sad smile as he makes his way over to me. He kneels down next to me. I look away and turn my head back to look at my dad's tomb. Tears are still streaming down my cheeks like a waterfall.

"Come here..." he said, placing his hand on my neck. Then he gently pulls me closer to his side. I lean my head on his chest, burying my face on the crook of his neck.

"I miss him so much, Pete..." I said, in a weak voice. "I know, baby... I miss him too... but we have to move on for him... he would hate himself seeing you cry like this... we have to be strong for him..." he said, caressing my hair softly.

"Let's go now? Pepper is looking for you. She's very worried..." He said. I just nod my head. I haven't been the same since Dad's death. I'm a lot more reserved... always keep things to myself.

Peter, Ned, Aunt May and Pepper are the only one I'm opened with. Some people said my condition is called Selective Mutism. The condition where I only speak around the people I trust.

But I don't see it that way... I just want to keep distance from people, to avoid getting attached... because I don't wanna be in pain.


Peter have his arm around my shoulder as we walk inside my house. Pepper turns her head as soon as she notice me enter the house.

Her eyes soften as she looks at me. She walks over to me and wraps her arms around me. I just lean on her shoulder. Pepper caress my hair softly.

"Are you hungry, sweetie?" She said, after pulling away from me. I just shake my head. She just smile softly. "Alright... go and take some rest then... okay, sweetie?" She said. I nod my head, smiling at her. "Goodnight, Pepper..." I said. "Gnight, sweetie..." she said. I turn around and head up to my room.

Pepper P.O.V

A tear escape my eyes as soon as Y/N is out of sight. I wipe it away as I turn to look at Peter. He just smile sadly at me.

"It hurts to see her like that, Peter..." I said. He nods his head. "I know... it hurts me too... Y/N's such a cheerful girl... now I barely ever hear her speak... see her smile... she have turned so cold now..." he said.

I start to cry harder when he said that. He walks to me, wrapping his arms around me. "We have to be strong for her..." he said. I just nod my head and pat his back.

I can only hope that one day... Y/N will be the way she used to be

*to be continued*

A/N: here it is! The moment that you have all been waiting for! The sequel to my Anthropophobia (Peter Parker X Reader) book! I hope you enjoy! I'll try my best to update regularly. Thanks for waiting! I love you all!!!

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