Chapter 15

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Previously on Chapter 14

He stands up and offers his hand to me. "You stay here, okay? I'm going now..." he said. He turns to leave. I grab his hand before he could take another step. He turns to look at me in confusion. "Peter...

I'm coming with you!

-Final Battle: Part 2-


"I'm coming with you!" I said. "Are... are you sure?" He said, looking at me worriedly. "Of course! I'm a hero too... you're not in this battle alone" I said, with a serious expression.

I lift my hand and my mask appear. I put in on and my outfit changes. Peter just stare at me in awe. I snap my hand in front of his face, making him flinch.

"Are you just going to stand there and stare? We've got people to safe!" I said. "Oh right... sorry..." he said. He puts his mask on. We turn around. Peter starts swinging with his web, while I fly forward.

"I'll handle Quentin... you handle the drones! Try to find our friends as well" He said. "Okay! Be careful, Spider-man!" I said. "You got it, Raven!" He said. I smile at him and turns to fly a different way. I lift my hand and destroy the drones that tries to attack me.

An explosion blows up in front of me. My eyes widen as my mind drift back to the war. I clench my hands and shake my head. No... I should NOT be thinking about that. I have to focus. I have to save my friends. I've failed in saving dad's life. I refuse to fail again! Not this time!

The drone shoots at me, hitting me in my shoulder. I wince in pain. My hand glows a soft f/c as I heal the wound. It's a good thing I copied this power. Healer power would always comes in handy... especially in a battle like this.

I sure hope Peter will be alright...

Peter P.O.V

"Quentin!" I yelled as I stand inside the bridge. He turns to look at me. "Hm... I'm surprise that you're still alive..." he said. "You can't get rid of me that easily... now I'm going to make you pay and take back what's mine..." I said. He lets out a laugh. He takes off the eyeglasses.

"Oh... You want this? Come and get it..." he said. The drone starts flying at me. They turns invisible. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerve. "Okay, Peter tingle..." I said. I rushes forward and destroy all the drones.

Quentin lay on the ground. "Here... take it" he said, offering me the glasses. I lift my hand and grab a hand. The illusion disappear, I turn my head to see Quentin next to me.

"You can't lie to me anymore..." I said, clenching my grip around his wrist. He let go of the gun, making it fall on the ground. I quickly grab the eyeglasses and put it on.

"E. D. I. T. H" I said. "Welcome back, Peter... are you sure you want to execute the drones?" She said. "Yes. Execute them. Execute them all!" I said. The drones flies away. Finally... it's over.

I turn my head to look at Quentin. He starts to talk in his weak voice. I just watch as his eyes glaze over. I kneel down next to him, and close his eyes.

"Y/N..." I said. I stand up and starts to run, trying to find Y/N. I hope she's alright. Those drones are very dangerous. She can be seriously hurt right now. Oh, baby... please be okay.



I ended up inside a museum. It's where some of the drones are heading. I'm sure they're chasing after the others. I run inside and destroy the drones. But there's too many of them.

They start shooting at me. I got hit by a few of the lasers. It's painful... but I can't let myself lose my consciousness. I have people I need to safe.

I fall on the ground and back away as the drones fly towards me, tauntingly. I close my eyes as I wait for the pain. But nothing happens. I furrow my eyebrow in confusion. I open my eyes to see the drone flies away. He did it... Peter did it!

I sit down and close my eyes. I use the remaining power to flow through my body, healing the wound. I can't heal them completely, just enough so it won't be lethal. I stand up and walk towards the door. I use my power to slowly open the door, because I don't want to startle them.

I can see MJ holding a weapon. She raise it and stop when she sees me. Flash stares at me wide eyed, his jaw dropped in complete shock. I let out a laugh.

"You guys okay?" I said. "N-No way... R-Raven..." he said. "The one and only..." I said, grinning. "Oh... oh my God! I'm such a big fan! I have so many question. But I want to ask this most important one. Is it true that you're dating Spider-man?" He said. "Yeah... it's true" I said. "Yes!!! My OTP is true!!!" He yelled in happiness. What the... this is totally different from the cocky Flash I know.

"Ahh.. thank you... but I've got to go..." I said. "Ooo~ are you worried for your boyfriend?" He said. I roll my eyes at him. "You could say that..." I said. "But! Before you go... can I have a picture?" He said. "Uh, sure..." I said. He grins and runs towards me. He lift his hand, holding his camera and snaps a few photo.

After 5 minutes. "Okaaayyyyy... I need to go!" I said. "Oh... of course... yeah. I don't want to keep my biggest hero waiting. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!" He said. "Yeah... yeah. See ya~" I said. I turn around and flies away.

I fly pass the bridge and notice Peter. I land on the ground and runs towards him. "Peter!!!" I yelled. He looks up at me and smile softly. He runs towards me too. We meet half-ways and embrace each other in a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" He said. "You're glad I'm okay? Peter... you're fighting Quentin! The master mind! It's dangerous... oh my God... look at you... come on. I'm going to heal you..." I said. "Save your power, Y/N... I'm okay. This is just a small scratch. I'll be fine..." he said. "But-" I try to said. "Shh... I'm going to be alright..." he said, placing his finger on my lips.

"I love you, Y/N..." he said. "I love you too, Pete..." I said, smiling softly at him. He gently cups my cheeks in his hands. He leans in, placing a soft kiss. I close my eyes, wrapping my arms around his neck to kiss him back.

He pulls away from the kiss, leaning his forehead on mine. "I'm happy to see you're back to the old you..." he said. "I'm sorry for the trouble and pain I caused you, Pete..." I said, tearing up. He gently wipe a tear that slips out of my eyes. "You're back. That's what matters to me..." he said. I smile softly at him. He smiles back and leans in for another kiss.

*to be continued*

A/N: I am SO so sorry for the long wait! I will try my best to complete this book. Only a few chapters left, so stay tune~

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