Chapter 8

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Previously on Chapter 7

I choke a sob as I hug the photo close to my chest. I lay down on my back, still hugging the photo. "Dad... I miss you so much..." I cried out. Exhaustion starts to take over and I drift off to sleep.

-Next Stop: Prague-


Today we are moving somewhere else. This town is just a temporary stop. So we are now in the bus once again. I lean my head against Peter's shoulder.

"If you're sleepy... just get some sleep..." I hear Peter said. He must have seen me yawn. "You know I can't sleep when the bus is moving..." I said. "But you can sleep on the last bus ride..." he said. "Yeah... that was when the bus stops and I fell deep sleep..." I said. He just hum softly. But eventually, the sleepiness gets to me. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

Peter P.O.V

I can hear a soft snore next to me. I turn my head slightly to see her asleep. 'I though you said you can't sleep when the bus is moving... guess you're tired, huh?' I thought to myself, smiling softly. I place a soft kiss on her forehead. Y/N didn't know that this trip have been hijacked by Nick Fury... and I don't think she have to know.

Back at the hotel. Nick Fury came for me. Telling me to go with him. I turn my head to look out the window as I recall our conversation.


Ned and I are walking towards our room. Then as soon as I enter my room. I can hear a thud behind me and turn my head to look at Ned, to see him laying on the ground with a dart on his neck.

I turn my head to the source to see Nick Fury. I let out a sigh as I look at him. "You're giving me so much trouble... you know that, right?" He said. "Why are you here?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest. "Suit up... you're coming with me..." he said, giving me no option. I let out a sigh and do as told.

Once I'm in my suit I turn to him. "Oh and bring Y/N with you..." he said. "Why?" I said. "Because she is needed for this mission... we need her fighting skill..." he said. "Are there any fighting involved?" I asked.

He looked at me as if I just grow two health. "You're a superhero... what do you think?" He said. "Then don't bring Y/N into it" I said. "Why not?" He asked. "After what happened... after Mr. Stark's death. Y/N is not herself... let her enjoy this trip... so she can get her mind off of things and refresh mind..." I said. "Hm... alright... come on..." he said.

End of Flashback

Pretty much after coming with him. He took me to a lab. There I met with the same guy that destroyed the water monster. He said his name is Quentin Beck, or Mysterio when he's in suit. He said that he came from an alternate universe, where the monster that I now know as Elemental Monster came from.

Apparently, those monsters destroyed his home. That's why he came to this earth to give us a warning as well as to give us a hand to defeat those monsters.

Then he told me that the next attack will be the fire element and it will be in Prague, which is where we are heading now.

I glance at Y/N who is sound asleep as her head is laying on my shoulder. I have to think of a way to keep herout of danger zone. She can't see anything like that... or her bad memories will come back.

Aside from the Water Elemental monster attack... Y/N seem to be pretty at ease during this trip and that's the first time I see her that way after 8 months since Mr. Stark's death. So, I want to keep Y/N away from the monster as much as possible.


I lightly shake Y/N to wake her up, as we reach our destination. She let out a yawn and I can't help but coo at her cuteness. She blush and playfully punch me, causing me to chuckle. "What? You can't blame me. Blame yourself... you're being too cute!" I said.


"Cut it out! You're embarrassing me!!" I whined. He just laugh even more. I roll my eyes and pulls his cheek. "Owowowowowow! Ouch!!! Okay! Okay!!! I won't laugh!! Y/NNNN!!! Let gooo!!!" He wailed. I finally let him go. He rubs his cheek as it has turned red because of my pinch.

"You're so mean..." he said, pouting. I let out a soft giggle and place a soft kiss on his cheek. "There... I kissed it better..." I said. "My lips are hurting too..." he said, puckering his lips. I push his face away from me. "There's literally a lot of people around us" I said. "So? They know we're dating. Besides... it's not like it's our first kiss anyway. We've kissed in front of them before..." he said, crossing his arms while he sulks.

I burst out laughing at his antics. "Alright, you big baby... come here..." I said. He turns his head to look at me. I cup his cheeks and leans in. He leans in as well. But I take the last second to turn and kiss his cheek instead.

"Wow... such a tease... didn't know you have that in you..." he said. I laugh at what he said. "Okay okay... I'll give you a kiss..." I said. "For real this time? Not teasing anymore, right?" He said, pouting. "Yeah..." I said. He smiles and leans in. I lean in as well, placing my lips on his softly. I can feel him smiling into the kiss, making me giggle as I tilt my head and deepen the kiss.

"Eww!!! Get a room you two!!" I pull away when someone said that. I turn my head to see one of our classmate. "You're just jealous!" I said, earning a roll eyes. I turn my head to look at Peter once again and smile at him.

"Glad to see you're back to your old self, Y/N..." he said, caressing my cheek softly. I smile softly at him. He leans his forehead against mine. "I love you, Y/N..." he said. I smile and close my eyes, enjoying the feeling of his hand on my cheek. "And I love you... so much, Pete..." I said. He smiles and leans in for another kiss.

Then we pull away after a while. I lean my head on his shoulder once again. For the first time since 8 months... I can finally be at ease.

*to be continued*

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